
日期:2020-09-26 ~ 2020-10-17
展覽主題: 剛柔並濟 - 楊桃派 Young & Top - 阿波羅畫廊新銳畫家助長計畫
展出藝術家:黃彥鈞│Mario Weinberg
展期:2020.09.26-10.17 *10.01中秋公休
時間:每週一 - 週六 11:00 - 19:00
開幕:2020.09.26 下午3點
第七屆「楊桃派Young & Top - 阿波羅畫廊新銳畫家助長計畫」首次邀請國外藝術家參與。
德國畫家Mario的繪畫創作與剛榮獲第三屆「構圖 • 台灣」首獎的黃彥鈞的立體作品,不管在媒材或造型上呈現出剛柔並濟之視覺效果。
Mario Weinberg畢業於德國敏斯特藝術學院。他的抽象表現風格結合了平塗、厚塗、徒手、塗鴉等,搭配多媒材及奔放的色彩。
目前居住在台灣的Mario將常見的街頭店家商標、廣告傳單以拼貼方式融入近期的畫中。他期許觀賞者可以對畫作充滿好奇,並在想法交流中產生碰撞、不同的解讀。 此外,他持續關注繪畫在於空間的各種可能性,作品曾多次在上海、台北、新竹、柏林、杜賽道夫等地發表。
We are pleased to present a group exhibition featuring the sculptures of winner of the 3rd edition of the Go-To-Taiwan Art Award, Huang Yan Jun, and the paintings of German artist Mario Weinberg. This year, the 7th edition of the Young&Top: Apollo Art Gallery’s Project for Emerging Artists, will be the first time that an international artist has been invited to participate. In this exhibition, both artists’ usage of unique textures and tones come together to present meaningful interpretations of softness and hardness.
Huang Yan Jun’s sculptures explore the dynamics of copper wire, using the material to express both hard and soft textures. With lines that can be both as soft as hair and as hard as thorns, almost cactus-like textures outline and enwrap the silhouette of each animal. Huang’s work question the role of self-defence mechanisms utilised by plants as a response to evolution or changes in the environment. The sculptures interrogate the complexities of integrating within society, placing special focus on the delicate balance between propriety and maintaining a sense of self.
German artist Mario Weinberg’s Abstract painting style combines flat smears of paint, thick paint, freehand, and graffiti. Using expressive, bold and unrestrained colours, Weinberg invites his viewers to interrogate his works. He hopes that by facilitating an exchange of perspectives between artist and viewer, new interpretations can emerge. Weinberg’s works are conceived with a consciousness towards space, focusing on the multitudes of ways in which paintings translate in varying spaces. Weinberg graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Münster and is currently based in Taiwan. In addition to Taipei, Weinberg’s works have also been exhibited in Hsinchu, Shanghai, Berlin, and Dusseldorf, amongst other places.
We look forward to welcoming you to the exhibition!
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