【觀物 • 取象—蔡尉成個展】From World to Aesthetic Imagery: Solo Exhibition by TSAI Wei-Cheng
日期:2020-10-10 ~ 2020-12-13
觀物 • 取象:蔡尉成個展
From World to Aesthetic Imagery: Solo Exhibition by TSAI Wei-Cheng
▌策展人 Curator|張正霖Chang Cheng-Lin
▌開幕茶會暨座談 Opening Reception|10/10(六) 14:30
開幕座談 14:30~15:30
▌展覽日期 Date|2020/10/10(六) - 12/13(日)
▌展覽時間 Time|週二至週日11:30-20:00
▌展覽地點 Venue|大雋藝術(台中市南屯區惠文路489號 No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan (R.O.C) )
文/張正霖 Chang Cheng-Lin
The art of Tsai Wei-Cheng is a pursuit of freedom rooted in his deep sense of aesthetic creativity, temperament, and accumulation. The self, art, and environment merge rhythmically in Tsai's works, embodying an exquisite and delicate whole. Inspired by the land and environment of Taiwan, this new art series named “Wind and Cloud” is inspired by life and nature, abundant with warmth of vitality that guides the gaze towards the container of life. Art belongs to life, while the symphony of materials and poetic qualities shapes the artist’s unique status and expression in Taiwan sculpture, touching the deep corners of the heart.
以「觀物 • 取象」為核心,呼應的正是蔡尉成深刻的藝術特質。他在觀察、撫觸世界之間,將心靈中的聲音,轉化成為風采獨具的造型,直指著藝術創造與生命體悟相互連結的審美意境。蔡尉成就像是聆聽心籟的藝術行者,敏於思辨的創造出極具個性的創作系譜,韻味悠長且飽涵意象。風與雲,外境與內心,變化與創造,蔡尉成在堅定的藝術探索與錘鍊裡,打開了根基於真實生命、淋漓盡致的感動。在一種深邃、洞察的幽默中,蔡尉成的藝術正在散發出無可替代的魅力。
Centered around the theme "From World to Aesthetic Imagery," the exhibition is a manifestation of the unique artistic characteristics of Tsai Wei-Cheng. By observing and experiencing the world, Tsai transforms his inner voice into spectacular style that incite artistic creativity and insight into life. Tsai is like an art practitioner who listens intently to the music of the soul and is an expert at shaping unique creative genealogies that are conceived by critical thinking, rich with profound connotations and meaning. The landscape of the outer and inner world, changes and creativity, are all doors to the essence of life and the depths of the sentiments in Tsai's determined artistic explorations. Through humor permeated with depth and vision, Tsai's art emits a charming and moving quality that is irreplaceable.
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