

【架構世界 : 喬治.伯恩 & 彼得.奧普海姆】Constructing a New World: George Byrne & Peter Opheim

  • 展期

    日期:2020-10-20 ~ 2020-11-01

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 架構世界:喬治.伯恩 & 彼得.奧普海姆
    Constructing a New World: George Byrne & Peter Opheim

    藝術家 Artist | 喬治.伯恩 George Byrne & 彼得.奧普海姆 Peter Opheim
    展期 Duration | October 20 – November 1, 2020
    地點 Venue | 紅野畫廊 Powen Gallery(台北市中山區松江路164巷11號,10:00-19:00 週一休館 Closed on Mondays)

    澳洲影像藝術家喬治.伯恩(George Byrne),目前定居於洛杉磯創作生活,有著藝術學院背景,同時深受新地景攝影(New Topographics)啟發,他使用繪畫概念,重組底片相機沖洗出的影像材料,架構出一個全新的秩序宇宙。


    紐約藝術家彼得.奧普海姆(Peter Opheim),以奇幻生物的概念發想,構築出的精靈世界,目前已創造出超過千種角色,不曾重複過。奧普海姆由軟陶雕塑開始,先賦予小生物實體型態,再為他們畫出光影分明的肖像,而他的靈感皆來自於現實生活中的人們。


    波特萊爾說:「眾多的微小快樂構成了幸福。」(“A multitude of small delights constitute happiness.” ― Charles Baudelaire)喬治.伯恩與彼得.奧普海姆的作品,從日常被忽略的人事物獲得靈感,在介於真實和虛構之間的轉換後,散發的純真美好,感染著我們每個人。

    Constructing a New World: George Byrne & Peter Opheim

    Artist | George Byrne & Peter Opheim
    Duration | October 20 – November 1, 2020
    Venue | Powen Gallery ( No.11, Ln. 164, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan / 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays )

    Australian artist George Byrne currently lives and works in Los Angeles. With a background in the art school and inspired by New Topographics, he uses the concept of painting to reorganize the image materials developed by film cameras to construct a new orderly universe.

    The harmony, tranquility, and sunshine in the picture comes from his feeling for Los Angeles and his tribute to the sun. This city with an average of more than 280 days of sunshine annually, provides him with creative inspirations and energy. Palm trees, brick walls, parking poles and billboards, all the elements seen in life become a beautiful collection under the sweet pastel color.

    New York artist Peter Opheim based his creation on the concept of fantasy creatures, has constructed a world of elves. So far, he has created more than a thousand characters and none of them have repetitive features. Opheim started with clay sculptures; he first gave these small creatures a form, and then painted them with clear portraits. His inspiration came from people in real life.

    Because Opheim has decades of experience in abstract painting, he retains a unique freestyle of abstract painting in the brushstrokes and texture details of these elves. It is significantly different from the general figurative painting brushwork, exuding an aura of fantasy and harmony.

    Baudelaire said: "A multitude of small delights constitute happiness." The works of George Byrne and Peter Opheim draw inspiration from everyday neglected surroundings. The beauty and innocence transformed between the real and the fiction affect each of us.

紅野畫廊喬治.伯恩彼得.奧普海姆George ByrnePeter Opheim


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