
EQUAL = 等號


  • 展期

    日期:2020-12-05 ~ 2021-01-03

  • 地點

    台北市中正區汀州路三段230巷14弄2號 寶藏巖國際藝術村

  • 參展藝術家


  • 仙女降臨,眾粉絲趕緊來接駕!即將在『 ONE ART Taipei 』與『 EQUAL = 等號 』合作的藝術家倪瑞宏,她的個人最新創作展覽《仙女(日常)奇緣-倪瑞宏插畫手稿展》,自12月5日起至2021年1月3日於『 寶藏巖國際藝術村 』展出。不要再讓你每年的許願來不及實現了,來展覽現場抓仙女吧!

    ◤ 關於倪瑞宏?! //

    Happy Together ─ 2020 Winter Open Project//「打開心房」─ 2020冬季開放計畫

    ::Please scroll down for English version ::
    12 月 5 日與 12 月 6 日,我們將在寶藏巖國際藝術村盛大舉行冬季開放計畫,兩日皆有冬季開放限定的精彩活動,有辣妹市集、聲響派對和互動活動,寶藏巖微型聚聚落也將紛紛打開工作室。冬季開放計畫展覽則於 12 月 5 日至 12 月 20 日展出,藝術家 SdF 飛象西西、倪瑞宏、陳孝齊、許家維、鄭先喻、張碩尹將按照各自專長帶來精彩的展覽,觀眾也可以與藝術家們彼此面對面交流與互動。
    ── 展覽 ──
    ①「回家真好」— SdF 飛象西西個展
    展期/12.5 (六) - 12.20 (日) 11:00 - 18:00(周一休園)
    ②「仙女(日常)奇緣」— 倪瑞宏插畫手稿展
    [ ! ] 展期/12.5 (六) - 2021.1.3 (日) 11:00 - 18:00(周一休園)
    ❀~ 仙女駕臨/12.6 (日) 16:00 ~❀
    ③「看尾後」— 陳孝齊個展
    展期/12.5 (六) - 12.20 (日) 11:00 - 18:00(周一休園)
    ④「等晶播種」— 許家維 ✕ 鄭先喻 ✕ 張碩尹
    [ ! ] 展期/11.21 (六) - 12.20 (日) 11:00 - 18:00(周一休園)
    ── 開幕 ──
    12.5 (六)
    *開幕導覽 15:00
    *開幕演出 17:00
    陳孝齊 ✕ 李敏如
    ── 冬季開放限定活動 ──
    12.5 (六) & 12.6 (日) 13:00 - 18:00
    * 辣妹市集 ✕ 辣ㄇ大的秘寶
    * 心有所屬投票所
    主辦人/台北|寶藏巖國際藝術村實習生-周佳瑩 ✕ 梁旨吟 ✕ 張逸昀 ✕ 蕭雅翎
    ── 冬季開放限定派對 ──
    12.5 (六) 15:00 - 21:00
    * 哪有這麼早的派對
    地點/山城排練場 (上)
    主辦人/瑞芳台灣 ✕ 微笑法寶
    ── 寶藏巖微型群聚開放工作室 ──
    12.5 (六) & 12.6 (日) 13:00 - 18:00
    Tuner/Yinke Studio/三貓俱樂部 X 秋紅肚房/無用偵探社/51門/周靈芝創作工作室/差事劇團/Mechanman Lab/犬吉工作室/尖蚪/不歸鹿/Kjohn的再生軍團/陳治旭工藝美術創作/17做作工作室/紅色電影院
    【 詳細活動內容請上各微聚網站查詢 】
    Everyone has a heart, and this heart beats day after day. Everyone has a mouth and this mouth continues to talk. However, to survive in society, in order to be decent or to keep proper social distancing, the distance between the heart and the mouth is distorted by reason and etiquette. Most of the time, we can't express what we truly think. We are not allowed to open our hearts. We ignore our needs. Our hearts are closed and guarded with walls.
    Art creation is the bridge between the heart and the mouth. It’s key to open the heart. Artists use their observation, thinking, and action on society and the environment to speak what others don’t dare to say and what others don’t dare to do. Treasure Hill is located on a mountain in the midst of the city. It has a unique landscape and atmosphere that embraces all kinds of weirdness and peculiarities. The creators build artworks on this hill and use the artistic language to speak for the crowd. In the meanwhile, the artist village slowly and quietly opens people's mind. Through appreciating works of art, people can discover more possibilities in the world, and therefore have the opportunity to see into their own soul.
    In the Winter Opening Project, many exhibition venues will be open to the public. We intend to expand the possibilities of each venue, in an attempt to intervene in the viewers' established viewing experience through various exhibitions and events that will change their way of seeing. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, people wear masks to maintain social distancing, and even isolate themselves indoors, as if they were confined in respective closed shells depressingly. Therefore, we sincerely welcome everyone to come to Treasure Hill Artist Village and spend a happy time with us.
    On December 5th and December 6th, we will grandly hold the Winter Open Project at Treasure Hill Artist Village. On both days, there will be exciting events that are exclusive to the Winter Open Day, including the market, sound party, and interactive activities. The Micro Loft studios will also be open to the public. In addition, there will be four exhibitions open on December 5th and they will last until December 20th. Artists Sisyphos, der Flugelefant (SdF), Ni Jui-Hung, Chen Siao-Chi, Hsu Chia-Wei, Cheng Hsien-Yu, and Ting-Tong Chang will bring wonderful exhibitions according to each of their expertise. The visitors can also interact with the artists face to face on the Winter Open Day.
    In December, the Artist Village sincerely invites everyone to join us in a relaxed and joyful mood. It’s a chance to explore the desire hidden in your self-consciousness. Let us be happy together!
    ── Exhibitions ──
    ① Good To Be Home — Sisyphos, der Flugelefant (SdF) Solo Exhibition
    Venue/Creative Lounge
    Exhibition Period/12.5 (Sat.) - 12.20 (Sun.) 11:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Monday)
    ② The Chinese Fairy Daily Romance — NI Jui-Hung Solo Exhibition
    Venue/Frontier Gallery No. 9
    [ ! ] Exhibition Period/12.5 (Sat.) - 2021.1.3 (Sun.) 11:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Monday)
    ❀~ Opening Reception/12.6 (Sun.) 16:00 ~❀
    ③ Look Behind The Back — CHEN Siao-Chi Solo Exhibition
    Venue/Frontier Gallery No. 11
    Exhibition Period/12.5 (Sat.) - 12.20 (Sun.) 11:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Monday)
    ④ Crystal Seeding — HSU Chia-Wei ✕ CHENG Hsien-Yu ✕ Ting-Tong CHANG
    [ ! ] Exhibition Period/11.21 (Sat.) - 12.20 (Sun.) 11:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Monday)
    ── Opening Reception ──
    12.5 (Sat.)
    * Opening Guided Tour 15:00
    Meeting Point/Creative Lounge
    * Opening Performance 17:00
    CHEN Siao-Chi ✕ LEE Min-Ju
    Venue/Frontier Ruin
    ── Special Events ──
    12.5 (Sat.) & 12.6 (Sun.) 13:00 - 18:00
    * Don’t You See the Hot Chicks with Big Treasures There
    Venue/Hill Plaza
    * I Have a Voice
    Venue/Cross Gallery
    Host/Interns of Taipei|Treasure Hill Artist Village
    CHOU Chia-Yin ✕ LIANG Chih-Yin ✕ CHANG Yi-Yun ✕ HSIAO Ya-Ling
    ── All You Can Do is Being Chill ──
    12.5 (Sat.) 15:00 - 21:00
    * Early Bird Gets the Party
    Venue/Treasure Hill Atelier (Upper)
    Host/Rave Fun Taiwan (RFTW) ✕ Smiley Magic Weapon
    ── Micro Loft Open Studio ──
    12.5 (Sat.) & 12.6 (Sun.) 13:00 - 18:00
    Tuner / Yinke Studio / 3 Cats Club X Cheer Home / More Than Useful Detective Lab / WEMEN / J.C Studio / Assignment Theatre / Mechanman Lab / INUKICHI BOOKS / Tadpole Point / Bugrelu / Kjohn's Robot DIY Studio / Chih-Hsu Chen Craft and Art / 17 Work Studio / Cinema Rosso

    ◤ 關於寶藏巖國際藝術村?! //

寶藏巖EQUAL = 等號倪瑞宏仙女打開心房


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【娃娃屋 DOLL HOUSE】倪瑞宏、李芷筠 雙個展

日期:2024-11-09 ~ 2024-12-31|台灣,台北市

19 days left


【未來訊息 Future of Information】

日期:2024-06-01 ~ 2024-06-28|台灣,台北市