【2021 ART FUTURE 藝術未來|揚曦藝廊 展位Booth 1031】
日期:2021-02-05 ~ 2021-02-07
Grand Hyatt Taipei 台北君悅酒店10F (台北市信義區松壽路二號)
園山晴巳、賴世榮、宮山広明、関雅治、曾正元、Justin Y、張輝、楊占
2021 ART FUTURE 藝術未來
VIP Preview 貴賓預展|2021. 2. 5 五 1200 – 2000
Public Days 公眾展期|2021. 2. 6-7 六日 1100 – 1900
Venue 展覽地點|Grand Hyatt Taipei 台北君悅酒店10F (台北市信義區松壽路二號)
【 揚曦藝廊 Protean Gallery |房號Booth 1031 】
【 Participating Artists 】
園山 晴巳 | Harumi SONOYAMA
賴世榮 | Shi Rong LAI
宮山 広明 | Hiroaki MIYAYAMA
関 雅治 | Masaharu SEKI
曾正元 | Zheng Yuan ZENG
Justin Y | Justin Y
張輝 | Hui ZHANG
楊占 | Chan YANG
— 旭日東昇,沐浴在晨光下,沉澱的只有藝術 —
負責人林瑩Irene Lin自2006年起奔走四方,為藏家尋覓珍品,足跡遍及全球, 2013年創立揚曦藝文空間,以專業的版畫藝術為起點,進而成長為全面性的藝術團隊,將東西方精美的藝術品帶進台灣,並將台灣的藝術品推向世界舞台。承載各界的期許與支持,2019年正式更名為揚曦藝廊。
— The rising sun, bathed in the morning light, art is deposited —
Protean Gallery is based on ""humanistic and culture"" , art integrating into life. We hope to make art as a bridge for international cultural exchanges and string together the desire of the world to pursue beautiful things. The agency works are exquisitely collected by royal families, art museums, and enterprise of various countries.
The business owner, Irene Lin, has traveled around the world since 2006 to find treasures for collectors. In 2013, she founded Yangxi Art Space, starting from professional printmaking art, and then growing into a comprehensive art team. The exquisite works of art from the East and the West are brought to Taiwan and Taiwan’s works of art are brought to the world stage. Carrying the expectations and support from all of you, it was officially renamed Protean Gallery in 2019.
Leading the public to appreciate the fun and mystery of original prints is the original intention of Protean Gallery. For this purpose, it has held hundreds of domestic and foreign exhibitions, art lectures, and technical demonstrations. Since 2016, domestic and foreign art creations have been assembled and exhibited in art museums around the world with different themes.
Ticket 網路售票|https://www.accupass.com/go/artfuture2021
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