

【【電與非電之間 --- 三貂嶺聲音藝術祭】】NeitherNor Sandiaoling MusicFest

  • 展期

    日期:2021-03-06 ~ 2021-03-06

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 台灣90年代開始發展出獨特的實驗電聲文化,從類比到數位時代,眾多表演者在地下實驗聲音場域不斷產生著多元也創新的表演方式,開發了台灣實驗聲響的多元可能性;另一方面,台灣的國樂音樂家在近年也紛紛投入即興音樂的表演,翻新原聲樂器的表演手法,試圖帶領國樂藝術從傳統走向當代,也讓台灣的實驗音樂場域同時交融著傳統與現代、東方與西方元素,具有與其他國家地區相當不同,有趣且獨創的發展。因此今年的三貂嶺聲音藝術祭將結合實驗聲音藝術表演的兩大陣營,預計邀請十位以上的即興表演者,以電聲結合國樂為實驗主題碰撞出嶄新的聲響表演風貌。強調多元與開放性的表演現場,將結合傳統與現代、噪聲與美聲、以各種插電與不插電的表演方式融合東西方語彙,在三貂嶺的山景雲色之間創造出一獨特的在地聲音場景。眾多表演樂手將從下午到晚上連番上場發聲,四個小時以上連續且不重複的演出,強調彼此交流、創造機遇與趣味性的展演狀態,希冀能因此挖掘出台灣特有且嶄新的聲音現場。第一屆的三貂嶺聲音藝術祭,邀請您來一同參與!

    ▋時間 ▋
    2021/03/06(六)13:30入場 / 14:00開演
    ▋地點 ▋
    寬哥那裡 (三貂嶺,224新北市瑞芳區魚寮路110號)
    ▋表演者 ▋
    林小楓 / 笛樂
    張登堯 / 二胡
    林雨儂 / 琵琶
    楊懿惟 / 古箏
    巫劍英 / 二胡
    施維禮 / 古琴
    廖銘和 / 無音源
    黃大旺 / 合成器
    甘水 / 無音源
    謝瀞瑩 / 現場電子
    阿滷 / 自製電子樂器
    設計 Minazai
    外場 張乃芃
    音響 林銘倫
    ▋入場贊助 ▋

    ▋關於表演者 ▋
    電音 --
    ●廖銘和 (Dino )
    臺灣 90年代噪音代表人物,曾為知名團體「夾子」樂隊成員。他的創作標識著九零年代後半期臺北噪音運動在技術上走向純類比電子,在內涵上建立獨立美學之里程碑。Dino的電子音響來自於極其簡單的類比器材,不使用合成器、取樣機和其他音源機,而是利用線路雜音、靜電或麥克風回饋建立迴圈回路,創造其獨樹一幟的音樂。Dino曾於北京迷笛音樂節,英國café OTO,台北數位藝術節等各大音樂節演出,並曾參與實驗電影、小劇場現場配樂製作,曾獲臺北電影節最佳音效獎。
    ●黃大旺 (Dawang HUANG )
    ●阿滷 (Rübezahl)
    是德國來的音樂家,樂器創造者和DJ,跟台灣有著奇妙的緣分。他除了吹一個神奇的聲音像薩克斯風的竹笛,也熱衷DIY電子樂器組裝、改裝,甚至會用Gameboy遊戲機做音樂,組合這些配料來造成有實驗氣氛、還是很會讓你想跳舞的音樂。是個常有創意迸發熱愛即興實驗的音樂人。 他最近創造的電子樂器特別是探索光與聲音的聯繫,頭燈就突然變成可以印象聲音的工具。
    https://mixcloud.com/....../r%C3%BCbezahl-not-so-live....../ https://soundcloud.com/ruebezahl
    ●謝瀞瑩 (Olifa Hsieh)
    從小學習管樂、打擊與鋼琴。2004年東吳大學音樂系畢業後負笈德國,並陸續取得德國呂北克高等音樂院(MH Lübeck)高等演奏家法國號碩士,德國漢堡戲劇與音樂學院(HfMTHamburg)電子音樂作曲技術證書,以及德國漢堡造型藝術學院(HfBKHamburg)新媒體表演藝術碩士。主擅長應用聲音科技,實驗將「表演」結合空間的各種沈浸式形式,以此創建特殊感知與時間性的虛實體驗。2013結束旅德生涯回台創立「音波453聲響劇場」,發展以不同空間環境所建構的的聲音跨域劇場,現就讀於國立交通大學建築研究所博士班,研究方向為虛實空間(AR/VR)、沈浸式體驗(Immersive Experience),與空間聽覺(Spatial Audio)相關之互動感知與表演行為模式,並任教於中國科技大學、國立交通大學,臺灣藝術大學、教授聲音藝術、電聲作曲與新媒體藝術等相關課程。本次演出將實驗以雙耳收音模式的人頭麥克風(Dummy Head)現場收錄各種聲響,並以即時電聲調變創造多層次的現場聽覺體驗。
    作品網頁 http://www.olifhsieh.net
    ●甘水 (Gam Zuei)
    2019年開始以無輸入混音器(no-input mixing board)做噪音,有時喜歡harsh有時喜歡乾淨的聲音。

    ●施維禮 (Wolfgang Schwabe)

    ●林小楓 (LIN Hsiao-Feng)
笛樂演奏家。演出形式融合了傳統和前衛。多年來受邀往來於各方藝術領域,與不同的藝術家、藝術節、博物館及美術館合作。2011年開始策劃、製作小型即興、跨界音樂會。不斷開拓笛樂演奏上的疆界,並以即興、獨白的演奏方式來探索、發展彼此間的關係。他演奏現代音樂、傳統音樂、世界音樂和實驗的前衛音樂。 現任林舍文化藝術總監。
    Youtube: https://reurl.cc/nn7vV2

    ●張登堯 (Deng-Yao Chang)

    ●林雨儂 (Chloe Lin)
    林雨儂創作專注於琵琶個人即興演奏與實驗性作曲,現階段並與藝術家及吉他演奏家Kevin McGrath合作,以「Lin and McGrath」音樂即興雙人組進行創作與演出。在林雨儂的音樂及聲音作品中,她傾心專注於演奏肢體與樂器的融合ㄧ體之關係上。她的演出涵括了音樂、聲音、寂靜、延伸技巧、肢體、燈光與投影。同時,在她的作曲中,探討詞彙的意義與表達,也以圖像為媒材據以創作她的音樂性想像。

    ●楊懿惟 (Yi-Wei Yang )
    畢業於國立臺北藝術大學音樂學研究所、國立臺南藝術大學七年一貫制中國音樂學系。擅長以細密幽微的音色變化與流暢鮮明的音樂張力詮釋出多彩之音樂語境。除涉略臺灣傳統南北管音樂外,也積極接觸當代音樂並首演多首獨奏及室內樂作品,與各類心氣相投之藝術家交織出當代箏樂的深沉與遼闊。近年多次受邀請演出當代傳統箏樂獨奏與室內樂作品。2019年受捌號會所邀請組成當代傳統器樂重奏團Cube Band立方重奏,並於2020年受邀韓國全州國際音樂節開幕音樂會演出。

    ●巫劍英 (Wu, Jian-Ying)
    青年二胡演奏家,國立臺灣藝術大學中國音樂學系碩士。樂自慢The Chime成員、群藝民族管弦樂團樂團首席。

    【NeitherNor Sandiaoling MusicFest】
    This event pays tribute to a development in current Taiwanese experimental music. Whereas there has been a vibrant electronic music scene in Taiwan since the early 90ies, musicians experimenting with free improvisation on traditional Chinese instruments have only in recent years become more numerous. By providing a forum where musicians from both fields can interact freely, the Sandiaoling MusicFest hopes to explore a new sound that is neither electronic nor traditional. In this way the NeitherNor Sandiaoling MusicFest wants to encourage music that is neither traditional nor modern, neither Eastern nor Western, neither mono-cultural nor multi-cultural, neither local nor global, but just itself.
    ▋Time ▋
    SAT, MAR 06, 2021,1:30PM door opens / 2:00PM show starts
    ▋Venue ▋
    "At the Mellow Dude’s" in Sandiaoling (No. 110, Yuliao Rd., Ruifang District, New Taipei City 224)
    ▋Performers ▋
    Lin Hsiao-Feng / Flute
    Deng-Yao Chang / Erhu
    Chloe Lin / Pipa
    Yi-Wei Yang / Guzheng
    Wu, Jian-Ying / Erhu
    Wolfgang Schwabe / Guqin
    Dino / no-input
    Huang Dawang / Synthesizer
    Gam Zuei / no-input
    Olifa Hsieh / live electronics
    Rübezahl / DIY electronics
    ▋Free Entry, Donations Welcome ▋
    ▋About the Performers ▋
    ● Dino
    Once a member of the well-known band “The Clippers”, Dino is a representative of the Taiwanese second noise wave in the 90s’. His works demonstrate the noise movement in Taipei from the second half of the 90s, technically a transition towards pure analog electronic sound, a milestone to establish an independent aesthetics. Dino uses extremely simple analog equipment to create electronic sound, loop were generated from circuitry noise, static, or microphone feedback, a sort of “Recycle Music”. In recent years, Dino has participated in experimental films and live music productions for theater. He was awarded for the Best Sound Effects at the Taipei Film Festival.
    ● Dawang HUANG
    a prolific bedroom musician, known as "yingfan Blackwolf Nagashi".
    ● Rübezahl
    is an electronic musician from Germany, that builds his own instruments and gadgets. From his Nintento Gameboy he is sending bleeps and pulses at extremes speeds, where fast becomes the new slow. Combined with the soothing sounds of the unique Xaphoon, a mixture between a flute and a saxophone, it creates an apocalyptic atmosphere that is surprisingly fun and deliciously entertaining. Feedback loops and further processing make sure the blurred line between dancefloor and experimental music is neglected at all times.
    https://mixcloud.com/....../r%C3%BCbezahl-not-so-live....../ https://soundcloud.com/ruebezahl
    ● Wolfgang Schwabe
    learnt to play qin with Ge Hancong (葛瀚聰). After random performances with LTK in the late nineties, he has been regularly performing in Taipei and Berlin playing Echtzeit Musik. In 2018 the CD “180818” with Lin Hui-Chun was released (https://huichunlin.bandcamp.com/album/180818). He is the co-founder of the “International Conference on Guqin, Aesthetics and Humanism” having published numerous articles on Guqin aesthetics. He holds a PhD in Sinology from FU Berlin and a PhD in Philosophy from NTU. Until 2019 he taught Chinese philosophy at Foguang University in Taiwan.
    ●Olifa HSIEH
    Live Electronic Musician/ Sound Theater Art-Director & Composer
    After Olifa HSIEH finished her horn classical performance degree from Taipei Soo-chow University(2001~2005), and Lübeck University of Music MA (2005~2009) in Germany, she continued to study new media composition techniques at European Live Electronic Center of HfMT Hamburg. In 2011, she processed her study and research further in time-based media art at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg(HfBK Hamburg), and collaborating with difference artists. In 2013, Olifa returned to Taiwan and founded “IMPRO.453”, a sound theater with music ensemble in live art to perform in difference venues or spaces. Her skillful uses sound techniques with spatial audio possess the feeling of expansion of another space in time for the listeners and try to create spatial listening mode. 2018, Olifa continues her research about Sound and Space at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, studies with Ph.D. program and major in digital architecture. She now bases in Taiwan and continues her interests in sound art, architecture theory, Ambisonics, VR, AR, immersive experience and live-art.
    ● Gam Zuei
    a bubble tea addict. He started to make noise and experimental sounds with no-input mixing board since 2019. Sometimes he likes to make harsh noise but other times he likes to make it crystal clear.
    Influenced by Taiwanese noise veteran -Dino, Japanese noise, Musique concrète and many more, Gam Zuei hasn’t yet determine where sounds would lead him to. You can often find him in Senko Issha Record Store in Taipei.
    ●Lin Hsiao-Feng
    Bamboo flute virtuoso / soloist / improviser / Lin's Culture Artistic Director
    Lin Hsiao-Feng was born in Taipei, Taiwan. Lin is an active Bamboo flute virtuoso, soloist and improviser. Lin plays Chinese Traditional Music, world music, free improvisation and experimental avant-garde in the contemporary music world. In recent years, Lin is committed to a variety of artistic collaboration including poetry, calligraphy, painting, dance, performance art, Chinese martial arts, rock, electronic music, experimental music as well as free improvisation.
    In addition to performing numerous worldwide traditional wind instruments, Lin often participates in all kinds of arts and cultural activities.
    Youtube: https://reurl.cc/nn7vV2



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