

【挑釁世界 — 對中心主義的反抗】PROVOKE - Opposing Centrism

  • 展期

    日期:2021-03-12 ~ 2021-06-27

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    中平卓馬 Takuma Nakahira・岡田隆彥 Takahiko Okada・高梨豐 Yutaka Takanashi・多木浩二 Koji Taki・森山大道 Daido Moriyama・赤瀬川原平 Genpei Akasegawa・北井一夫 Kazuo Kitai・小清水漸 Susumu Koshimizu・李禹煥 Lee UFan・西格瑪波爾克 Sigmar Polke・東松照明 Shomei Tomatsu・渡辺眸 Hitomi Watanabe

  • 2021 年 3 月 12 日 - 6 月 20 日
    關渡美術館 一樓
    ▸ 展出藝術家|
    挑釁 PROVOKE|中平卓馬 Takuma Nakahira・岡田隆彥 Takahiko Okada・高梨豐 Yutaka Takanashi・多木浩二 Koji Taki・森山大道 Daido Moriyama・赤瀬川原平 Genpei Akasegawa・北井一夫 Kazuo Kitai・小清水漸 Susumu Koshimizu・李禹煥 Lee UFan・西格瑪波爾克 Sigmar Polke・東松照明 Shomei Tomatsu・渡辺眸 Hitomi Watanabe
    ▸ 策展團隊|
    長澤章生(Akio Nagasawa Gallery)
    澤田陽子(Osiris Co. Ltd)
    黃亞紀、藍仲軒、黃子軒(Each Modern 亞紀畫廊)
    ▸ 主辦單位|關渡美術館
    協辦單位|Each Modern 亞紀畫廊
    特別感謝|也趣藝廊・陳雅青女士・Yumiko Chiba Associates・Galerie Nagel Draxler・月曜社・蕭永盛先生・木村一也先生・森山大道攝影基金會・nitesha二手舍・中平卓馬遺產・Collection Georg Polke・施俊兆先生・SCAI The Bathhouse・Zen Foto Gallery
    PROVOKE 挑釁,日本戰後最著名的創作團體與同人誌,成立於 1968 年,由中平卓馬(Takuma Nakahira)與評論家多木浩二(Koji Taki)發起,成員包括岡田隆彥(Takahiko Okada)、高梨豐(Yutaka Takanashi)、與第二期加入的森山大道(Daido Moriyama)。他們以一種極度前衛的風格,審視了日本社會與政治的狀態。儘管只出版了三期,挑釁帶來的影響卻是深遠的,不僅是對於日本國內,也徹底改變了全世界的攝影走向。
    如今,他們的影響仍可在新一代圖像製作者身上看見。尤其近來對兩位重要成員:中平卓馬和森山大道的研究,揭示了他們與世界前衛運動的複雜關係。挑釁不應只被視為攝影的突破,而更應被理解為與 1960 年代末至 1970 年代初,國際當代藝術在動盪的社會與藝術發展中,如何與其他地域、以及與中心主義對話與抗衡的重要運動。由此,本展分為三部分:「挑釁與行動主義」、「挑釁與物派」、「挑釁與資本寫實主義」,整理並對照這些在批判中建立的革新。
    「挑釁世界 — 對中心主義的反抗」是首次以此脈絡對挑釁再次評價的研究性展覽。在此之前,國際間已有許多重要美術館展覽,對挑釁在攝影與日本藝術史上的貢獻提出了強烈肯定,包括「東京 1955 – 1970 年:新先鋒派」(MoMA,2013)、「為了該來到的新世界:日本藝術與攝影中的實驗 1968 - 1979 年」(休斯頓美術館和多館巡迴,2015-16)、「挑釁:在抗爭與表演之間 1960 - 1975 年的日本攝影」(芝加哥美術館和多館巡迴,2016-17)。
    此次展覽是由關渡美術館、亞紀畫廊、長澤章生與澤田陽子共同策劃,並得到森山大道攝影基金會、中平卓馬遺產的大力支持。同時要感謝也趣藝廊、陳雅青女士、Yumiko Chiba Associates、Galerie Nagel Draxler、月曜社、蕭永盛先生、木村一也先生、nitesha二手舍、Collection Georg Polke、施俊兆先生、SCAI The Bathhouse、Zen Foto Gallery 慷慨的協助與指教。
    PROVOKE - Opposing Centrism
    12 March - 27 June 2021
    Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei (First Floor)
    Exhibiting Artists:
    PROVOKE | Takuma Nakahira・Takahiko Okada・Yutaka Takanashi・Koji Taki Daido Moriyama・Genpei Akasegawa Kazuo Kitai・Susumu Koshimizu・Lee Ufan・Sigmar Polke・Shomei Tomatsu ・Hitomi Watanabe
    Curatorial Team:
    Wang Rui-Xu (Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts)
    Akio Nagasawa (Akio Nagasawa Gallery)
    Yoko Sawada (Osiris Co. Ltd)
    Huang Yaji, Lan ChungHsuan, Huang ZiHsuan (Each Modern)
    Organizer: Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts
    Co-organizer: Each Modern
    Special thanks to Aki Gallery, Joce Chen, Yumiko Chiba Associates, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Getsuyosha, Hsiao YongSeng, Kazuya Kimura, Daido Moriyama Photo Foundation, nitesha, Estate of Takuma Nakahira, Collection Georg Polke, Leo Shih, SCAI The Bathhouse, Zen Foto Gallery
    PROVOKE was founded in Tokyo in 1968 by Takuma Nakahira and Koji Taki. Members included Takahiko Okada, Yutaka Takanashi, and Daido Moriyama who joined the second issue. The group and magazine examined Japan’s socio-political situation with a radically inventive style. Although only three issues were published, PROVOKE’s impact would prove to be profound, revolutionizing photography inside and outside Japan.
    Today, the influence of their work can still be seen in new generations of image-makers. Recent research of two key members, Takuma Nakahira and Daido Moriyama, reveal their complicated context with world avant-garde movements. Rather than a breakthrough of photography, PROVOKE should be considered as an important movement in dialogue with parallel international contemporary art happenings during the late 1960s to early 1970s. Therefore, the exhibition is composed by three sections - PROVOKE and Activism, PROVOKE and Mono-Ha, PROVOKE and Capitalist Realism – to clarify and to compare the innovations formed in the criticism.
    “PROVOKE – Opposing Centrism” This is the first research-based exhibition revaluates PROVOKE which takes this perspective, following many important museum shows valuating PROVOKE’s contributions in photography and Japanese art history, including “Tokyo 1955–1970: A New Avant-Garde”(MoMA, 2013), “For a New World to Come: Experiments in Japanese Art and Photography, 1968–1979”( The Museum of Fine Arts Houston and tour, 2015-16), “Provoke: Between Protest and Performance, Photography in Japan 1960–1975”(The Art Institute of Chicago and tour, 2016-17).
    This exhibition is curated by Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Each Modern, Akio Nagasawa and Yoko Sawada. It is fully supported by Daido Moriyama Photo Foundation and Estate of Takuma Nakahira with Special thanks to Aki Gallery, Joce Chen, Yumiko Chiba Associates, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Getsuyosha, Hsiao YongSeng, Kazuya Kimura, nitesha, Collection Georg Polke, Leo Shih, SCAI The Bathhouse, Zen Foto Gallery.



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日期:2025-03-07 ~ 2025-05-18|台灣,台北市

60 days left