【無伴奏-VI-書意變奏|2021 黃舜星個展】UNACCOMPANIED - VI - Writing Variation 2021 Huang, Shun-Hsing Solo Exhibition
日期:2021-03-20 ~ 2021-06-12
《無伴奏-VI-書意變奏》2021 黃舜星個展
UNACCOMPANIED - VI - Writing Variation
2021 Huang, Shun-Hsing Solo Exhibition
|大雋藝術YouTube官方頻道| https://youtu.be/ZruQwyhWW8Y
▌開幕茶會暨藝術家導覽Opening Reception + Artist Tour|03/20(六) 14:30
▌日期Date|2021/03/20 (六) - 06/12(六)
▌時間Time|週二至週日12:00-20:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed)
▌地點Venue|大雋藝術(408台中市南屯區惠文路489號 No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan(R.O.C) )
東風偕著細雨滌盪心靈,進入漸暖的春分時節,大雋藝術推出《無伴奏—VI —書意變奏》2021黃舜星個展,匯集醞釀近四年起降之首次曝光大作,另特選數件紙上作品,邀請你一同領略藝術家多年創作實踐之心神領會。
Rich Art is pleased to present “ Unaccompanied - VI - Writing Variation,” a solo exhibition by Huang, Shun-Hsing. This exhibition will present Huang’s large-scale painting and chosen pieces of works on paper which artist has been working on for almost four years.
Huang often listens to Bach’s Cello Suites music, as Bach’s emotion and rhythm from the music has deeply impact to Huang’s painting. Cello Suites states directly the mental status of “unaccompanied“, which echoes with Huang’s painting with an endless self-conversation, as it is a journey alone towards artist himself. In his recent works, he explores the alternative possibility between two-dimensional painting and three-dimensional sculpture; destructing the original structure and composition; creating a dynamic with space. Moreover, he continually considers how to compose the themes of both Traditional Chinese Painting and Calligraphy into his work. The form of writing and behavior involves into the works, showing the quick and slow rhythm of painting, and aim to touch naturally toward viewers’ inner soul.
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