【《文化斡旋》(Negotiating Cultures)】臺星交流聯展
日期:2021-04-17 ~ 2021-05-09
文化斡旋 Negotiating Cultures
2021/04/17 - 2021/05/09
藝術家:趙書榕(臺灣)、李奎壁(臺灣)、莊志偉(新加坡)、葉蘊芯(新加坡) 策展人:李嘉昇 地點:众藝術(桃園市桃園區中埔六街196巷22號)
展期:2021/04/17 – 2021/05/09(週二至週日 12:00 – 18:00)
開幕茶會與座談:2021/04/17 下午15:00
主講人:策展人和所有參展藝術家 與談人:呂佩怡副教授
協辦單位:众藝術 指導單位:桃園市政府文化局
長期以新媒體、跨域複合媒體當代藝術等為主要創作,環繞在自我私領域的 「記憶漫遊」,以及公領域的「全球化」課題。作品活躍於國內外各大展覽 , 唯一作品三度獲選收錄法德電視台的臺灣藝術家(« 2014, 2013, 2011 ARTE Video Night »),於 ARTE 電視台、法國土魯茲國家電影資料館、巴黎數位文 化媒體藝術中心和巴黎東京宮播出。 shujung.tumblr.com
她善於運用來自於勞動現場的物件,透過仿造、再製與重新編撰,讓觀眾在作品展示現場落入精心策畫的陷阱當中,成為一名演員,與被展示的對象。同時,透過隱藏在物件中的歷史線索,她試圖將對於生產系統的關心擴延到族群的身分認同上。曾獲得北美獎優選(2020)與入圍高美獎(2021)。 www.likueipi.com
他的創作通常具有透過微妙且微小的介入來顛覆對物件的傳統理解能力。他的作品顯得毫無關聯和隨意,但其中包含了徹底聆聽和處理物件材質的過程。 danielchongart.com
近期展覽包括《Immaterial Bodies》(objectifs)、《》 (NTU CCA)、「新加坡藝術週」的《開放工作坊》(Supernormal, 2020)、《公寓2079》(於網路發表,2020)及《二手菸》(LUX’s OUT of TOUCH by HERVISIONS,2020) deniseyapyx.com
新加坡籍的藝術家。作品形式包含攝影、裝置與行為。他關注與城市環境和當代社會有關的議題。他以藝術家、策劃人、攝影師及設計師的身份參與過無數的聯展、策展、及共創計劃。他曾在新加坡、香港、印度、印尼、澳門、菲律賓、台灣、泰國、越南等國家展出作品。他是新加坡藝術村的現任成員。 www.jasonlee.sg
呂佩怡 副教授
以台北作為基地的策展人、研究者與藝評。呂佩怡是現任國立臺北教育⼤學當代藝術評論與策展全英⽂學程副教授。2010年獲頒倫敦大學伯貝克學院人文與文化研究博士學位。研究方向主要分為兩個主軸:一為美術館之外藝術實踐與策展,包括機制批判、公共藝術、藝術與城市、社區 / 社群 / 社會參與、文化行動等。另一軸線則為當代策展,關注展覽史(尤其是90年代之後的台灣展覽史)、策展理論研究,以及透過策展實踐來回應檢視研究。研究計畫書籍《台灣當代策展二十年(1992-2012)》獲得第十屆AAC藝術中國「年度出版提名獎」。策展實踐包括:第八届深圳雕塑双年展「我們從未參與(2014)」,副策展人。英國曼徹斯特華人當代藝術中心「微型小革命(2015)」,策展人。第五屆台灣國際錄像藝術展「負地平線(2016)」,共同策展人。其出版散見於國內外各研討會,例如泰德當代美術館研究中心、世界藝術史大會等,以及刊登於《藝術觀點》、《現代美術學報》、《博物館與文化》、《Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art》等。
Negotiating Cultures is a group exhibition featuring works by artists from Singapore and Taiwan.
We are living in an age where a vast range of cultures cross paths. The high mobility of information, people and commodities inevitably allow us to come into contact with other cultures in a myriad of environments.
This exhibition dwells into the investigation of our unique relationship with ourselves vis-à-vis foreign cultures as we seek to explore the idea of ‘cultural interaction’.
The connotation of culture shapes our individual identity, values, and beliefs. In a contemporary society, we are constantly exposed to unfamiliar cultures and interacting with people of different backgrounds.
In an era where information is increasingly globalised, the concept of importing and exporting of cultures is no longer limited to insular regions. These anecdotal experiences are now ubiquitous to our lives and present a state of collocation.
How do we negotiate such juxtapositions that have profoundly become a part of our lives?
How does it influence us on a personal level, as well as society at large?
Four participating artists from Singapore and Taiwan will present works in various forms to respond to the theme of the exhibition with references to their respective personal and personalised experiences and observations; be it in the localised contexts of their home cities or of being abroad over a long period time.
Negotiating Cultures aims to examine the various possible dialogues between individuals coming from different cultures.
Artists: Chao Shu-Jung (TW), Li Kuei-Pi (TW), Daniel Chong (SG), Denise Yap (SG)
Curator: Jason J S Lee
Venue: Zone Art (No. 22, Lane 196, Zhongpu 6th St, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City)
Exhibition Dates: 2021/04/17 – 2021/05/09 (Tue to Sun 12:00 – 18:00) Tel: 03-3251893
Opening Reception + artists talk: 2021/04/17, 15:00
Speakers: Curator and all participating artists Moderator: A/Prof Lu Pei-Yi
*The artists talk will be conducted in both Mandarin and English
Co-organizer: Zone Art Sponsor: Department of Cultural Affairs Taoyuan
Artists’ Biography:
Chao Shu-Jung
(B.1982, Taipei)
Shu-Jung Chao has been engaged in new media, transdisciplinary multimedia, and contemporary art with focusing both on the aspects of consciousness such as ‘’ voyages in memories’’ and the issues of ‘globalization’ in public sphere. Her works can be found in various prestigious video art festivals around the world and she is the only Taiwanese artist whose work had been thrice selected to be aired on ARTE Video Night (2014, 2013, 2011). Following the ARTE airing, Chao went on to exhibit her works at the Cinémathèque de Toulouse in France, the La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris, and the Palais de Tokyo, also in Paris. shujung.tumblr.com/ vimeo.com/user4470927/videos
Li Kuei-Pi
(B.1991, Tainan)
Li’s work engages in transnational mobility and labor experience, in which she converts objects created from labor and intervenes in the labor process, transforming the meaning of the products to convey her critical viewpoints about the modern material world.
Li specializes in utilizing objects from the site of labor work before employing means of imitation, reproduction and remaking to entrap the audience in her elaborately conceived works, in which the audience become performers as well as part of the exhibited works. Meanwhile, she uses historical clues embedded in the objects to include issues related to the identity of different communities in her discussion about production systems. She received an honorable mention in the 2020 Taipei Art Awards and is a finalist in the 2021 Kaohsiung Award. www.likueipi.com/
Daniel Chong
(B.1995, Singapore)
Daniel Chong is a sculptor working in the expanded field of affect. His practice delves into social constructs around human emotions and the resulting by-product affects. From strength to grief and recently, intimacy, Chong engages with materialism as a means to unearth our emotive connections through objects.
His practice is often characterised with the ability to upend traditional understandings of objects through subtle and often minute interventions. His works seem irreverent and casual but in it lies a thorough process of listening and working an object through its materiality.
Denise Yap
(B.1998, Singapore)
Denise Yap is a re-packager, pre-writer and post-reader who draws from different sources of information to build new, plausible worlds. Their work explores the potential of sincere, emotional investments in alternative forms of kinship and all the entanglements (and embarrassments) of the human condition.
Yap’s recent local exhibitions include Immaterial Bodies at Objectifs, at NTU CCA and The Open Workshop at Supernormal as part of Singapore Art Week (all 2020). They also presented Apartment 2079 online (via their website) and Second Hand Smoke as part of LUX’s OUT of TOUCH by HERVISIONS (both also 2020). deniseyapyx.com
Curator’s Biography:
Jason J S Lee (B.1985, Singapore)
Jason Lee is an artist from Singapore who works with several media which includes photography, installation, and performance. He is concern with issues that revolve around the urban environment and contemporary society. He has participated in group exhibitions, curatorial projects and collaborations with varying roles as artist, organizer, photographer, web publisher and designer. He has presented works extensively in Singapore and various countries including Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macao, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. He is a present member of The Artists Village. www.jasonlee.sg
Moderator’s biography:
A/Prof Lu Pei-Yi
LU Pei-Yi is a curator, researcher and art critic, based in Taipei. She is an associate professor of MA Program on Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art, National Taipei University of Education. She was awarded a PhD in humanities and Cultural Studies (London Consortium) from the University of London in 2010. Her research interests consist of two areas: one relates to Off-Site Art (artistic practice outside museums, including institutional critique, public art, art and city, community art, participatory art, socially-engaged art, and activist art) and the other is about exhibition histories (especially focusing on Taiwan exhibition histories after the 90s), curatorial research and exhibition-making. A research-based book edited by her Contemporary Art Curating in Taiwan (1992-2012) was nominated the 10th Annual Award of Art China for Publication of the Year. Her curatorial practices include associate curator of the 8th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale We Have Not Participated (2014); curator of Micro Micro Revolution (2015) at the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) and co-curator of the 5th Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition-Negative Horizon (2016) at Hong-gah Museum.
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