【台北行走•城市印象盧昉、周政緯創作展】Taipei Roaming - City Impression: LU Fang, CHOU Cheng Wei Dual Exhibition (5.17~8.19.2021)
日期:2021-05-17 ~ 2021-08-19
台北市信義區信義路五段7號1F Gallery 101 (台北101大樓1F)
台北行走•城市印象:盧昉、周政緯創作展 Video Intro: Taipei Roaming - City Impression
文/王焜生 (獨立策展人)
台北101與多納藝術攜手合作,於Gallery 101展出藝術家盧昉、周政緯創作展。此次結合台北市景與藝術畫作,巧妙的時空穿越帶來市民生活中的趣味橫生,更勾勒出藝術創作者心目中的市景與城市印象。
城市有別於自然,是一個有意識經過規畫建構的社會空間,城市化是資本在空間運動中實現積累的重要形式 。從街道規劃、建築設計、活動訊息,都市的視覺影響居住與生活在其中人們的心理內在與身體外在的刺激,經驗的反應成為都市個人心理的基礎,也形成了城市的特色以及人們如何看待城市的描繪。
周政緯出生於台北,這個城市對他而言如同西班牙藝術家安東尼奧·洛佩斯·加西亞(Antonio Lopez-Garcia, 1936 --)之於馬德里,透過記憶的搜尋,藉由雙手與畫筆再次描繪最熟悉的生活空間,攝影當然可以在瞬間以最快速的方式記錄下城市的風景,但是藝術家為何要花費如此大的精力與時間再次繪製一個城市的印象,即在於一種對城市的感情。從內湖、在向山上看台北城,在周政緯的筆下已經不只是我們眼中的台北盆地、101大樓以及不同年代所建造的屋舍,而是他從童年的記憶一直累積的生命記憶。101大樓在風和日麗與雲霧飄渺的氣候變換間,像是一個有著個性的生命、有著不同的情緒,在不同的氣候色澤裡表現出巍然矗立或者沉靜安詳的氣質。在周政緯繪製的台北城市,我們發現不同的環境特色,這個城市其實不是只有一種固著的面貌,只是我們太習慣於日常生活,以致忘了怎麼以第三者的心情來看自己居住生活的空間。
Gallery 101與多納藝術串連都會生活與地景的藝術氛圍,以頂尖的當代藝術,帶出城市的生活意象,此次展出兩位當代藝術家共十來件巨幅台北地景作品,藉由不同的當代詮釋,勾勒出都市緊湊步調的人文風格與側寫!
Cultural Image of Urban Landscape Roaming
Emerson WANG (curator) English/Eddie
Donna Art & Taipei 101 proudly present artist LU Fang and CHOU Cheng Wei’s Taipei City great artworks in Gallery 101. This time these very two artists give us the combination of Taipei city landscape and art, the clever time and space travel brings a lot of fun in the daily lives of citizens, and it also outlines the urban landscape and city image in the minds of artists.
Unlike nature landscape, a city is a consciously m and constructed social space. Urbanization is an important form of capitalism accumulation in the movement of space. From street planning, architectural design, and informative events. The visual impact of a city affects on the both inner and outer stimuli of people living in it, and the response of experience has become the foundation of personal psychology among urban area, as well as the characteristics of the city and how people’s viewing on the depiction of the city.
The modern city led by rational thought is a noble, elegant, poetic, disciplined, and mechanical environment society of thinking. A wonderful area with strict hierarchical specifications. Nevertheless, based on the interaction and communication between people for the existence of a city, the consciousness of residents has risen, and the idea of focusing on nature and cultural ecology is constantly being advocated. In the fragmented experience of modern life, people must maintain one's creativity and vitality through different activities and imaginations to possibly shape a social life of self-preservation. In which, as matter of fact, is a kind of modern aesthetic with a meaning of redemption. Urban life shouldn't be left with such a passive and dependent negativity, but a pleasant positive one with a new perspective of taste.
Artists LU Fang and CHOU Cheng Wei keenly observe the aspects of urban life through reinterpretation from landscape to culture, they lead the audience walking through the city from the very landmark of Taipei 101, and profiling the impression of the living environment from visual images. Connecting each person's unique emotions in objective and realistic techniques through the correspondence between ancient and modern, virtual and reality, they hence unveil the hidden customs of the city.
CHOU Cheng Wei was born in Taipei, this city to him is like Madrid to the Spanish artist Antonio Lopez-Garcia (1936 --). Through the searching of memories, CHOU Cheng Wei uses his hands and brushes to portrait the most familiar place from his life. Of course, photography can easily record the city’s scenery instantly nowadays. But the reason why the artist spent so much energy and time painting the images of Taipei time and again is owing to an affection toward the city. The Taipei overlooks from Xiangshan and Nehu Mountain is not merely the Taipei Basin, Taipei 101 and the buildings in different eras that we’re looking on CHOU’s paintings, but the memories of his life that have been accumulated since his childhood. Taipei 101 looks alive with its own personality and emotions in the changes of different weathers, showing either standing tall or calm and serene temperament in different conditions and colors. The Taipei city drawn by CHOU Cheng Wei, we found different environmental characteristics. This city is not only a fixed look, but we are so used to the daily life that we forgot how to look at our living space in the lights of a third party.
For the very first time, Donna Art collaborates with Gallery 101 at Taipei’s most famous landmark "Taipei 101" financial building, connecting the artistic atmosphere of urban life and landscape, bringing out the image of city life with exceptional contemporary artworks. Two contemporary artists are exhibited at the same time in total of over ten magnificent artworks of Taipei landscape, with different contemporary interpretations, profiling the urban compact lifestyle and outlines! -
台北行走•城市印象:盧昉、周政緯創作展 Video Intro: Taipei Roaming - City Impression
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