
福利社 FreeS Art Space

【線上對談Online Forum|全球災難共同體-與疫情共存的未來〔Session 5〕】

  • 展期

    日期:2021-06-11 ~ 2021-06-11

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    Eszter Kállay、Davor Mišković、吳岱融

  • #2021國際交流計劃【線上對談】​
    全球災難共同體 —— 與疫情共存的未來〔Session 5〕​
    *Please scroll down for English version.​
    ▍時間:(GMT+8) 06/11(五)18:00-19:00​
    ▏主持人:蘇瑤華 / @視盟 理事長​
    ▏Eszter Kállay / Varsányi Szirének 成員
    ▏Davor Mišković / Drugo more 總監​
    ▏吳岱融 / 《義家藝館》教育性藝術計劃 策展人​
    ▲ 免費參與,名額限制 30 名,需事先報名。​
    ▲ 活動全程以英文為主。​
    本場座談主題討論在疫情的侵擾下,藝術教育此刻的意義為何?能帶給人們的價值是什麼? 在不穩定的局勢下,我們如何轉變實踐方式,回應社會、政治及環境,促進社群交流及參與?本次邀請到 Varsányi Szirének 成員 Eszter Kállay 、Drugo more 總監 Davor Mišković 以及《義家藝館》教育性藝術計畫策展人吳岱融分享在疫情時代,藝術教育計畫在執行上的轉變,以及未來的實踐方向。​
    每場對談以英文為主,僅開放 #30名觀眾 全程參與,有機會和講者提問交流,名額有限,請儘早報名以免向隅!​
    18:00 對談主題及講者介紹
    18:05 案例一 w/ Eszter Kállay​
    18:15 案例二 w/ Davor Mišković
    18:25 案例三 w/ 吳岱融
    18:35 交流討論
    18:50 Q&A
    主持人介紹 ——​
    ▍蘇瑤華 Su Yao-Hua​
    ▏台灣視覺藝術協會(視盟) 理事長​​
    蘇瑤華為藝術經理人、策劃人、教育者,具有多年國際交流與空間經營經驗。曾策畫主持多場國際研討會,包括策畫 2012 年大學博物館國際合作論壇「大學博物館的新啟蒙運動」、主持 2014 年「集結台北想像力,共創城市新價值」創意城市國際研討會計畫;主持 2016 年第一屆藝術資料庫國際研討會。​2021 年起擔任台灣視覺藝術協會第十三屆理事長。
    與談人介紹 ——​
    ▍Eszter Kállay
    ▏Varsányi Szirének (Syrens from Varsány) 成員
    Eszter Kállay 是一位來自布達佩斯的詩人、社會工作者與藝術家。主要關注藝術研究方法、女性主義運動以及批判教育學,她目前與難民團體一同工作於布達佩斯的非政府組織,透過藝術作為中介從而促進對話和知識交流,以及藝術教育的方法進行社群建構。2021年,她將前往德國海勒勞,成為 Artist-in-Garden 駐村計畫的駐村藝術家,並加入其中的參與式教育工作坊計劃,探討性別在環境和社會建構上的相互關係。

    關於Varsányi Szirének:​reurl.cc/83yZzX
    ▍Davor Mišković
    ▏Drugo more (The Other Sea) 總監
    Davor Mišković 是一位社會學家,他的作品多與文化議題有關。他從事研究、文化政策及藝術創作。在 1997 到 2004 年間,他在克羅埃西亞文化部擔任國際文化交流顧問。2004 年起,他開始擔任藝術機構 Drugo More 的總監,研究、設計與主辦文化計畫(Art & Clubbing, Mine, yours, ours, Reflex)、藝廊(SIZ Gallery、DM Gallery)、節慶活動(Mediterranean Games, Zoom)、大型會議、研討會和工作坊等。此外,他也與當地政府合作,以建置策略性文件提升文化系統,記錄伊斯特里、普拉、拉賓、帕津協同發展的文化策略及其背後思想。他也任教於義大利里耶卡的哲學學院,以及位於里耶卡和克羅埃西亞斯普利特的應用藝術學院。

    關於Drugo More:​reurl.cc/rgajXy
    ▏《義家藝館》教育性藝術計劃 策展人

    #2021ARTEXCHANGE【Online Forum】​
    Art Community in Global Pandemic ——Future scenarios for the Arts after pandemic〔session 5〕
    ▍Date: (GMT+8) 18:00-19:00, Fri., 11th June​
    ▍Place: Online(Please register in advance.)​
    ▍Sign-up: reurl.cc/O0X85D
    ▏Moderator: Su Yao-Hua, Chairperson of Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan
    ▏(Hungary) Eszter Kállay, Member of Varsányi Szirének
    ▏(Croatia) Davor Mišković, Director of Drugo more
    ▏(Taiwan) Wu Dai-Rong, Curator of When a Home Becomes a Museum Art Project
    ▲ Free.​
    ▲ Registration is required.​
    ▲ The forum will be conducted in English.​
    Titled as ''Future scenarios for the Arts after pandemic'', the project will be focusing on impacts of pandemic on arts and society via panel discussions, with topics from community art practice, promotion of education on art and culture to residency.

    Session 5 will be focusing on Art Education during the pandemic era. What will the art curriculum look like in the future? Which role do art institutions play in coping with current global and regional challenges? We are planning to invite the art institutions, one from Taiwan and the other two from overseas, to share the ideas to the challenges of pandemic. Eszter Kállay​, the member of Varsányi Szirének (Syrens from Varsány) from Hungria, Davor Mišković​, director of Drugo more (The Other Sea) from Croatia, and Wu Dai-Rong, curator of When a Home Becomes a Museum Art Project from Taiwan, are invited to share their strategies and transitions during post-pandemic era.
    Discussions will be conducted in mainly English. Only 30 audiences will be able to participate in full discussions and Q&A sessions. The ticket is limited, book now to avoid disappointment! ​
    18:00 Introduction of the Topics and Panels
    18:05 Case 1 w/ Eszter Kállay
    18:15 Case 2 w/ Davor Mišković
    18:25 Case 3 w/ Wu Dai-Rong
    18:35 Communication & Discussion
    18:50 Q&A

    About Moderator ——​
    ▍Su Yao-Hua​
    ▏Chairperson of Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan​
    Su Yao-Hua is an art manager, curator, and educator. She has years of experience in international communication and space managing. Moreover, she planned and moderated multiple international seminars, including planning the University Museum International Cooperation Forum in 2012 and moderating the Creative City International Symposium Project in 2014 and the First International Symposium on Art Archives in 2016.​ Since 2021, Prof. Su Yao-Hua has been the Chairperson of Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan.

    About Panelist ——​
    ▍Eszter Kállay​
    ▏Member of Varsányi Szirének
    Eszter Kállay is a poet, social worker and visual artist based in Budapest. Her main interests include artistic research, feminist activism and critical pedagogy: she currently works at an NGO with members of the refugee community in Budapest, using the tools of art education and art mediation for community building. In 2021, she will be a resident artist at the Artist-in-Garden Residence in Hellerau as part of a collaborative pedagogical workshop focusing on the interrelation of environmental and social constructions of gender.

    About Varsányi Szirének:​reurl.cc/83yZzX
    ▍Davor Mišković ​
    ▏Director of Drugo more
    Davor Mišković is a sociologist by education, and his work is related to culture. He is engaged in research, cultural policies and artistic production. From 1997 to 2004, he worked in the Ministry of Culture as an advisor for international cultural cooperation. Since 2004, he has been director of arts organization The Other Sea. In The Other Sea, he conducted research, designed and led cultural programs (Art & Clubbing, Mine, yours, ours, Reflex), galleries (SIZ Gallery, DM Gallery), festivals (Mediterranean Games, Zoom), conferences, seminars and workshops.In addition, he worked with local governments to improve the cultural system through the development of strategic documents, coordinated the development of cultural strategies of Istria, Pula, Labin and Pazin. He lectured at the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka and the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka and Split.

    About Drugo More:​reurl.cc/rgajXy
    ▍Wu Dai-Rong
    ▏Curator of When a Home Becomes a Museum Art Project
    Wu Dai-Rong is currently an assistant professor in the Graduate Institute of Arts and Humanities Education at the Taipei National University of the Arts. Her research focuses on socially engaged art as pedagogy, and what/how knowledge is produced in this art-making/learning process. As an artist-teacher, Wu has launched the pedagogical art project, When A Home Becomes A Museum, at the Taipei Veterans’ Home since 2014. Through theorizing from practice, she builds up discourse on contemporary art education in the context of universities for the arts.

    About When a Home Becomes a Museum::reurl.cc/rgajny



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