日期:2021-07-13 ~ 2021-08-07
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預約時間|2021/07/13 - 2021/08/07
- 每個時段展場內僅容許3位來賓預約
- 必須配合至少提前一日預約,惟不開放當日預約以及散客
- 全程配戴口罩
- 量體溫
- 完成實聯登記
- 手部酒精消毒
'The Flare Always Gets Its Way' Yinling Hsu Solo Exhibition
Open for visits by appointment only.
Booking times available from 13 July - 7 August, Tuesday - Saturday from 1pm - 6pm.
Venue | Project Fulfill Art Space, 1F. No. 2, Alley 45, Lane 147, Sec. 3 Sinyi Rd., Taipei
Visitors are limited to 3 persons max per time slot, appointments must be made at least one day prior to your visit, same day bookings and walk-ins will not be admitted.
*On entering the gallery, all visitors are required to comply with COVID-19 prevention measures:
- Wear a mask at all times
- Temperature check
- Complete the CDC COVID-19 registration
- Sanitize hands with alcohol
Book online: https://projectfulfill.booknow.com.tw/
Exhibition introduction:
“I want to describe to you the picture I am painting.” The world’s communication is changing. We live every day sharing in this never-ending time, and because of this, we begin to rely on using memory to achieve our own sense of existence.
The theme of Hsu Yinling’s recent work centers on memories and existence, stemming from the artist’s memories of her grandmother suffering from Alzheimer's disease. As a child Hsu would draw while her grandmother silently watched beside her. She drew not for achievement or interest, but for her grandmother’s attention, and the sense of existence it gave her. As her grandmother became afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease, until the time when she eventually passed, Hsu never knew how to give her memory back to her, at the same time she feared disappearing completely from her grandmother's memory, and forever losing an irreplaceable part of her own existence.
For this series of works, Hsu attempts to record all the moments of our desire for existence. Through painting, she could visually alter or heighten the purpose of our memories; ways for humans to prove ourselves, while learning from animals and plants ways to prove their existence. Within this painting process, painful memories are softened allowing us to learn to forgive ourselves, while the excitement of happy memories are dulled, in an effort to maintain a normal appearance in this world, navigating the complexity behind the mantra “back to normal”; an unexpected common belief that forms our collective memory of the present.
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