日期:2021-08-20 ~ 2021-09-19
台北國際藝術村「2021 文化平權駐村計畫」四檔系列展覽,梳理了七位台灣本地藝術家的創作脈絡,探討當「文化平權」的議題從社會街頭進入藝術場域中,藝術家如何呼應當代社會以及理解台灣社會的多元性。
「從此,以後」-2021文化平權駐村計畫第四季藝術家聯展,邀請藝術家廖芸婕與柯瑜綉展示其駐村創作成果。廖芸婕與柯瑜綉分別透過其細膩的文字、影像、物件與平面創作,試圖傳達社會底下的失衡問題和差異觀點。如同非虛構與虛構文本或多或少建構於真實生活底下,童話作為回應社會結構問題與對於未來的渴望,卻也面對著時代更迭與批判。幸福快樂,是一個童話的理想;文化平權,則被期待為一個社會的理想樣貌,「從此,以後」擷取自童話故事千遍一律「從此以後,」的快樂結尾,企圖藉此反問對於理想的憧憬,什麼是平權? 哪裡是終點?
● Opening Reception/8.21(Sat.) 15:00-17:00
● Exhibition Period/8.20(Fri.)-9.19(Sun.)
● Open Time/11.00-18.00 (Closed on Monday)
● Venue/Taipei Artist Village, Barry Room
● Artists/Liao Yun-Jie, KO Yu-Hsiu
Taipei Artist Village 2021 Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity Residency Programme aim to discuss social issues including but not limited to racial equity, sexual equity, disability, elder welfare, and immigration in the art field. From the perspectives of seven Taiwanese artists and four serial exhibitions, the audience is able to see the diversity of Taiwan society and the connection between art and local culture.
Artist Liao Yun-Jie and KO Yu-Hsiu are invited to the From Now On -2021 Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity Residency Programme Residency Artist Exhibition Season 4. Through the form of text, video, object, and visual art, Yun-Jie and Yu-Hsiu try to illustrate social dissonance and various perspectives. The concept of From Now On is come from the fairy tales which always end with “Happily forever after.” Similar to non-fictional and fictional narratives constructed under reality, fairy tales as a form to reflect the structural problems of a time and an image of utopia, also face criticisms with the development of the age. The happy ending is ideal for a fairy tale. To some extent, cultural diversity and inclusivity are ideal for society. The fourth exhibition of the 2021 Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity Residency Programme questions the image of utopia. What is cultural diversity and inclusivity? Where is the end of it?
||Artist Intro||
◼︎Liao Yun-Jie
Liao Yun-Jie visits the urban yet unseen corners of Taipei such as Taipei Main Station and Manga Park, in order to continue interacting with the people with no fixed abode, or the peripatetic workers. She collects stories of people "on the road", exploring the core meaning of home, the similarity of lives, and the empathy inherent in humanity.
◼︎KO Yu-Hsiu
Design is a contemporary thought which through an intense thinking process to solve problems and propose innovative ideas. KO Yu-Hsiu invites people without/with vision impairment to conduct research, rethinking the practical benefits of museums’ descriptive video service. Yu-Hsiu aims to show the odds and difficulties when facing cultural inclusivity issues. It is hoped that design is a key to open various aesthetic experiences.
view all【#國際藝術家駐村計畫 】位於政大美麗山畔,空氣清新,風景秀麗,人文薈萃,交通方便,是藝術家駐村潛心創作的理想之地。現開放時段,接受國內外藝術家申請入駐,最短一個月,最長三個月及半年之藝術駐村計畫
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