日期:2021-08-27 ~ 2021-09-26
■ 展覽介紹
■ 藝術家介紹
■ 個人網站
● Exhibition Period/8.27(Fri.)–9.26(Sun.)
● Open Time/11:00-18:00 (Closed on Monday)
● Opening Event/8.29(Sun.) 15:00
● Exhibition Venue/Treasure Hill Artist Village, Frontier Gallery No. 9
● Artist/WU Chia-Yun
■ Artist Statement
Before becoming a full-time artist, the artist worked in some filmmaking crews as an art director. Besides setting scenes, making props, and handling the artistic texture of the film, “to find the clues that make up the space through studying the script” is the most challenging part of the job as the space appears to be an abstract concept flirting between the real and the fake. Later on, the study of space become part of my practice in visual art. In 2022, the artist will be participating in a residency program in Quebec as a screenwriter. “Moldy Walls” is a solo exhibition that serves as a prelude to my residency research project. It is an experiment of space and an investigation of a screenwriter.
In Treasure Hill, the Frontier Gallery No.9 is an old house with patterned tiled floors and white walls. The space carried layers of everyday lives and events throughout the past and the present and made a contributor's existence not the most important. Although, the research of a character is essential for a screenplay, like an artist entering a new community to create artworks through local research. The artist wants to more focus on the spirit and symbols of space by finding possibilities beyond the narrative and reproduce it through the approach of “spacing”, where reproduction does not serve as proof of existence, nor does it have to do with the narration of a character. It is an attempt to respond to the essence of film art - the staged scenes and realistic atmosphere - a reflection of the nature of screenwriting - the surreality of reality. In Frontier Gallery No.9, the method of “spacing” becomes a debate of existence that is born out of nothing and wiped by its traces. It is a perception and a spirit that provides insight into reality itself. “Moldy Walls” found its foundation in the use of the image. It is an on-site installation that blurs the boundaries between props and objects, scenes and exhibition room, plots and memories through switching between media and form.
■ About Artist
Wu Chia-Yun (b.1988, Taiwan) received an MA degree in Visual Communication from the Royal College of Art (London) and an MFA degree in Motion Picture from the National Taiwan University of Arts (Taipei). Her work includes film, mixed media and spatial installation focusing on the production and research of fictional film. She has been awarded as MIT Emerging Artist by the Ministry of Culture (2017), First Prize of Kaohsiung Awards by the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (2019), and her works have been internationally selected to the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin (2021), European Media Art Festival (2020), Proyector Festival de Videoarte (2019). She has had a solo exhibition at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (2019).
■ Artist Website
view all【遇見心 Soulful Encounters: A Journey of Discovery】Gabriela Noelle González & Nhozagri 聯展
日期:2024-12-06 ~ 2024-12-21|台灣,台北市
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