


  • 展期

    日期:2021-10-04 ~ 2021-12-24

  • 地點

    11605 臺北市文山區指南路二段 64 號

  • 參展藝術家


  • 展覽介紹 About the Exhibition

    家族紀事是私人記憶還是集體的歷史備忘?《越洋備忘》展覽從金門早年的出洋史脈絡出發,藝術家林羿綺透過追溯家中往返南洋的越洋書信,前往印尼邦加島實地踏查,創作出《信使I - 返向漂流與南洋彼岸》和《雙生》兩件影像作品,再詮釋後進行新的展示。




    Exploring the Borders of Home/Nation/Ethnicity: The Life and Culture of Southeast Asian Chinese Immigrants From a Taiwanese Perspective
    2021.11.23 (二) 19:30-21:00
    Tue. 23. Nov. 2021 19:30-21:00
    藝文中心4F ART HUB
    ART HUB, 4F of NCCU Art & Culture Center
    講者: 賴英泰 Terrence Ying-Tai LAI
    【 講座簡介 | About the Lecture 】

    本演講以「家/國/族」作為核心,從藝術家林羿綺的家族移民脈絡切入,試圖探討離散的家族/人,對自身身分認同的轉移與適應,其中更涉及國家、民族、語言和宗教等層面,並藉此探觸「家/國/族」的三者緊密卻又分明的邊界。同時,講者也將以自身遊歷島嶼東南亞的經驗,以他者(即當代台灣人)的視角,透過旅遊記述與照片,漫談對島嶼東南亞(以菲律賓、馬來西亞、印尼、汶萊等地為主)China town的探索與觀察。

    This talk centers around "home/nation/ethnicity" and begins with artist LIN Yi-Chi's family immigration. The talk attempts to explore scattered families/people and the impact on identity as well as its effects on the nation, ethnicity, language, and religion, tackling the intertwined but distinct topics of "home/nation/ethnicity of the Chinese diaspora." Using notes and photographs from travels in Southeast Asia, the speaker will also share explorations and observations on the China Towns of Maritime Southeast Asia (such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei) through the perspective of an "other" (contemporary Taiwanese).

    【 講者介紹 | About the Lecturer 】

    賴英泰 | Terrence Ying-Tai LAI


    Art as Witchcraft/Alchemy?
    (四) 19:30-21:30
    Thu. 2. Dec. 2021 19:30-21:30
    藝文中心4F ART HUB
    ART HUB, 4F of NCCU Art & Culture Center
    講者: 梁云繻 Soma LIANG
    【 講座簡介 | About the Lecture 】

    從藝術家林羿綺的作品《復興夢》、《餘燼三部曲 II : 盛宴》、和《父域安魂曲》,談當代藝術創作如何講述無法定義的感知狀態和神秘經驗,又如何透過影像編排,行使一種技藝層面上的煉金?再者,影像如何攪動虛實,形同一種巫術,甚至是薩滿概念的實踐?

    LIN Yi-Chi's works Revival Malady, Ember Trilogy II - Feast, and Requiem for the Dream of Father explore the following questions: How does contemporary art portray undefinable perceptions and mysterious experiences? How does contemporary art resemble alchemy in terms of craftsmanship through mise en scene? And how do images disturb the real and the virtual, just like witchcraft or Shamanism?

    【 講者介紹 | About the Lecturer 】

    梁云繻 | Soma LIANG




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