

【蘇旺伸的展「然後呢」】SU Wong-shen’s solo exhibition And Then

  • 展期

    日期:2021-11-20 ~ 2021-12-18

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 藝術家蘇旺伸11月20日於誠品畫廊推出個展「然後呢」,展出2017年至2021年創作的繪畫作品共計19件。2017年,蘇旺伸搬離居住近20年的高雄左營海軍眷村「明德新村」,落腳台南安平,魚塭、西濱鹽分地帶的天際線和海平面,取代了眷村風景。此外,2020年起蔓延全球的新冠疫情,深深影響每一個人,向來關心社會與環境議題的蘇旺伸,也將疫情下的世間百態融入畫中,藉由畫作裡的「動物」搬演這段集體記憶。

    SU Wong-shen’s solo exhibition And Then
    ▌Date: 20 November—18 December, 2021
    ▌Address: ESLITE GALLERY∣B1, No. 88, Yanchang Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (eslite spectrum Songyan Store)
    ▌Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00, Tuesday – Saturday (closed on Sunday and Monday)
    Artist SU Wong-shen’s solo exhibition And Then, set to open on November 20, 2021 at the ESLITE GALLERY, features a total of 19 paintings created from 2017 to 2021. In 2017, SU Wong-shen moved from Mingde New Village, a naval dependent’s housing area in Zuoying, Kaohsiung where he lived for nearly 20 years, to Anping, Tainan. His once accustomed village-scape was replaced by the ocean skyline and the coastal fish farms and salt fields. Seeing the COVID pandemic ravaging the world and impacting everyone since 2020, SU, always concerned about social and environmental issues, has incorporated the world under COVID into his paintings, using “animals” to reenact this collective memory.




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Nunu Fine Art 路由藝術

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