


  • 展期

    日期:2022-03-05 ~ 2022-04-15

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 安卓藝術將於3月推出楊立的最新大型個展「今日遠方」,呈現畫家近年描繪當代生活面貌的大量作品,展覽定於3月5日正式開幕,並於當天下午三點由阮慶岳老師和藝術家楊立進行一場繪畫的對談,我們誠摯邀請您的蒞臨,和我們一同見證楊立如何把繪畫這個古老的創作媒材翻轉出全新的活力。

    「今日遠方」(Now and Afar)是楊立繼北美館台北獎個展後的一次超大型展出,亦是藝術家至今最重要的一次個展。年少時期就展現異稟天賦的楊立,在巴黎求學期間遊歷了歐洲的各大美術館。他驚訝於過往的繪畫大師們在推演各自的作品過程中探索出的無盡可能和深度,於是開始在創作過程中探索自己與這個時代的關係。他著迷於充斥新聞、報章雜誌、電腦和手機屏幕中的現代世界的碎片,並致力用畫筆詮釋那些獨屬於現代影像的特質,包括高清晰影像的細節,飽和的色調和濾鏡造成的色彩偏移。這種超越肉眼可見的視覺呈現,成為了楊立取之不絕的靈感土壤。

    在癡迷於捕捉新鮮的東西一段時間後,楊立開始追尋在創作中深思熟慮的過程。於是在「今日遠方」中,他重新審視過去畫過的主題,挖掘新鮮的角度。在最新的《野火》中,他著重捕捉跳躍的紅綠色彩來展示生命的意向;而上一次航母題材中,楊立描繪其甲板的不規則幾合形狀,在此次的新作《移動的美利堅》則轉為關注戰艦的高聳,通過對立體感的描繪展現出鋼鐵巨獸般的無比壓迫。即便新作《帶我走》(Come with Me)充滿西方情調的休閒時光底下,也潛藏一股楊立在創作意識中想要抗拒的西方權力。此外,最新的系列《投打對決》與《奧特曼與怪獸對決》,則是藝術家在創作上的最新探索,他對每一個主題都繪製五張小畫,讓自己視角的變化迭代呈現於觀者眼前,呼應美術館中大師手稿裡所展示的推演過程。


    Mind Set Art Center is pleased to present the exhibition “Now and Afar" by Lee YANG. The exhibition is scheduled to launch on March 5, and an opening talk between Yang and renowned architect Roan Ching-yueh is set for 3:00 p.m. We extend to you a cordial invitation to attend the opening and witness how the painters extrapolate new energy from the ancient medium of painting.

    “Now and Afar” is the latest and most important large-scale exhibition of Lee YANG, following his successful debut at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. YANG showed talent in painting at a very young age. He later on studied painting in Paris and spent most of his spare time touring the museums across Europe. It was during this period that he learned and began to appreciate the possibilities and depth that past masters achieved in their paintings and to explore his own relationship with the era he lives in. YANG is fascinated by the fragmented representation of the modern world in newspapers, magazines, on computer and phone screens. And he tries to capture the unique qualities of the image created by modern technology. These include high fidelity, saturated colors, and shifts in hues caused by lens filters. These visual traits serve as the endless source of inspiration.

    After focusing on the new and the exciting for a while, YANG began to explore for more depth in his paintings. This time around in “Now and Afar”, the painter revisits some of his subjects and looks for new perspectives. In “Wildfire”, YANG tries to capture the vivid red and green to convey the vigor of life. In an earlier painting of an aircraft carrier, the painter focused on the irregular shape of the deck. In “Floating U.S.A.”, his latest rendition of the subject, YANG focuses instead on the sheer height and size of the vessel and paints it as a steel behemoth with overwhelming presence. His brand new painting “Come with Me”, while presenting a typical western-style beach side picnic scene on a superficial level, is filled with visual elements that subvert the dominant western narrative. And his two new series “Baseball Duel” and “Ultraman’s Duel” are the result of his latest experiment. For each subject matter, he draws five small paintings that present the shifts and development of his perspective. They are also a callback to the past masters who gradually developed their perspectives across multiple drafts.

    YANG believes that painters should not be limited by their identity, culture or geographical location, and must freely take inspiration from any cultures or mediums. He said, “I no longer think much about myself. Instead, I allow the external world to shape who I am. This is the scope of ‘Now and Afar’.”



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