大雋藝術 Rich Art
【Oh My MUSES! 亞洲當代藝術家聯展】Oh My MUSES! Asian Contemporary Art Group Exhibition

《Oh My MUSES!》亞洲當代藝術家聯展
Asian Contemporary Art Group Exhibition
✺ 藝術家 Artists
曹圭訓 Jo Gyuhun
李素乙 Lee Soeul
墨白 Mobai
趙璿 Chao Hsuan
✺ 日期 Date|2022/04/30 (六) – 2022/06/18 (六)
✺ 時間 Time|週二至週日11:00-19:00 (週一公休)
✺ 地點 Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
“Muse” is a group of inspirational deities of the arts and science in Greek and Roman mythology that later became a synonym for inspiration. An artist’s lifelong pursuit is the inspiration to portray indescribable thoughts, block out disturbances from the outside world, and release the inner artistic drive. As we enter summer, Rich Art is honored to be presenting a group exhibition featuring the works of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Taiwanese artists Jo Gyuhun, Lee Soeul, FIKAS, Mobai, and Chao Hsuan from April 30th to June 18th. The works in this exhibition showcase a variety of themes, from portrayals of daily life, environmental concerns, and social issues. The display explores the relationship between the individuals and the times they live in, inspiring heartfelt appreciation and unique perspectives of the artist’s inner world. -