
Roof Light

【2022 non-syntax 實驗影像展】

  • 展期

    日期:2022-06-24 ~ 2022-06-28

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    徐璐、吳梓安、張若涵、澎葉生、池添俊、Enzo Cillo、Christine Lucy Latimer、Penny McCann、陳君典、葉澈、蘇郁心、Abinadi Meza、Brandon Poole、Wenhua Shi、Hayashi Yuki、林仕杰 Liwei Hu、Janis Lipzin、Vasilios Papaioannu、Bram Ruiter、Sasha Waters、陳省聿、梁廷毓、劉紀彤、Chanasorn Chaikitiporn、Derek Jenkins、Lisa Mc

  • 「non-syntax 實驗影像展」關注影像於當代的實驗性為出發,連結台灣與國際的創作實踐、重組既有媒材與類型分類,讓差異的影像彼此對話,共同思考影像的各種可能。「non-syntax」意味著發生於拼寫中的衝突,字詞的連結卻造成了意義的真空,以取消⾃身語法的方式在場。透過各地的作品集結、議題探討,以及跨類型、族群的混合,彼此映射出當代影像的多樣⽣態。


    本次展覽將於Roof Light 空間舉行,由策展人許鈞宜、金秋雨策劃四個單元,各自探討著記憶、物質、歷史與感知等面向。同時亦將展出由客座策展人許耀文所策劃的「迴聲」特映單元。今年曾於日本東京展出、作為實驗影展前導計畫的的展覽「移行風景」,亦會在開幕舉行限定放映。參展名單與單元介紹,將在non-syntax Experimental Image Festival專頁發布。
    2022 non-syntax Experimental Image Festival
    “non-syntax Experimental Image Festival” begins by focusing on the experimental nature of images in the contemporary, linking practices across countries, reorganizing existing media and genres, and bringing different images into dialogue with each other to consider the possibilities of the image. “non-syntax” indicates the conflict that occurred in writing. The connection of two vocabularies creates a vacuum of meaning that is present itself via erasing its gramma. Through the assemblage of works, the discussion of issues, and the mixing of genres and groups, the diversity of contemporary images are mapped out.
    We hope to transgress the established boundary of creation, thereby dissolving the distinction between video art, film, documentary, performance, and animation, thus giving images a new potential for ambiguity. The meaning of the “assemblage” also implies a continuous re-assemblage, we expect to synchronize our own state of sensibility in the interaction with the works, the audience, and the exhibition space.
    Curated by Hsu Chun Yi and Jin Qiuyu, the exhibition explores topics such as memory, matter, history, and perception. The exhibition will include a special project "Echoes from the Other Side" curated by guest curator Wen Hsu. The list of artists and programs' introductions will be published on the fan page of non-syntax Experimental Image Festival.

    2022 non-syntax 實驗影像展

    策展人|許鈞宜 & 金秋雨

non-syntax 實驗影像展許鈞宜金秋雨許耀文


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