

【 鍾嘉駿「沙盒」+ 椪小雨「見山」】水色藝術夏季雙個展

  • 水色藝術將於6/25下午3點為兩檔夏季個展聯合開幕 -

    6/25-7/31; 水色當代館
    鍾嘉駿近年動態受到各國策展人與收藏家的熱切關注,展覽邀請不斷, 除了近日剛開幕的“a picture of a picture,” LIGHTWELL, 台灣台北(2022), 作品也於“Gentle Distraction,” Août Gallery, 黎巴嫩貝魯特(2022) 、Sasha Bogojev策展“Universes 4”, 法國巴黎 (2021)等聯展曝光。本次主題「沙盒」是延續藝術家長久以來對「存在」的思考,他在電玩、沙盒(兒童玩沙池)看到了「創造」與「重新詮釋」的不同面向,將自由/秩序、自我/失序在作品一一進行辯證。 畫面中經典的炭筆人物,是藝術家身處於這個大千世界的主觀奇想,也是對「現況」進行質疑的異視角,不斷在創作裡著驗證自我與現實之間的關係。
    6/25-7/31; 水色本館
    2021夏天首度於水色藝術曝光的陶繪本作家椪小雨,2011畢業自法國Penninghen| École direction artistique et d'architecture intérieure (esag penninghen),擅長以簡單的線條創造動人的敘事,結合繪本與陶的創作大受好評。2021年底椪小雨受《森島之際藝術節》邀請駐村,主題「看山」出自這段駐村深刻感受:「看山,又是山」。在陶與繪畫的不同維度中,探索著各種與自然交會的樣貌與精神。「在一個具體(宏觀)的形體裡,蘊藏一個微小故事。」
    Mizuiro Workshop is thrilled to present “Sand Box” by CHUNG Chia-Chun and “View Above Mountains” by SHIH Chen-Yin, both on view from June 25 through July 31, 2022. A joint opening reception will take place on Saturday, June 25 from 3 to 5 PM.

    “Sand Box” by CHUNG Chia-Chun
    Jun 25 – Jul 31
    The complex of human world has always been CHUNG’s major concern. CHUNG’s work has a special power to highlight irony behind humor in the context of human society. By taking subjects from his everyday encounters, CHUNG reflects the relation between self-existence and the social world. His signature figures “the charcoal man” sometimes leads the story, while other times serves as an omniscient point of view towards those colorful settings. The exhibition theme “Sand Box” refers to the sand playground where kids are invited to create and destroy without rules. In this exhibition, CHUNG will present a series of work examining how we are affected by the social norms in his unique visual language.
    “View Above Mountains” by SHIH Chen-Yin
    Jun 25 – Jul 31
    Graduated from Penninghen| École direction artistique et d'architecture intérieure (esag penninghen) in 2011, SHIH’s debut solo exhibition at Mizuiro Workshop last year has drawn a lot of attention from oversea ceramics lovers and even homeware companies. Last winter she was invited to participate in an artist residency program in a mountain resort, where she began to pick up thoughts that are eventually realized in this exhibition where SHIH expresses her sincere appreciation in exploring and sensing all possible encounters with nature physically and spiritually.





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日期:2025-03-16 ~ 2025-03-30|台灣,台北市

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