


  • 展期

    日期:2022-08-13 ~ 2022-09-04

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 此展以流淌為出發,使用不同媒材創作的期間,筆者開始意識到,流淌可能來自不同介質使我們感到緩緩流動之感,有時是纏綿的流水、海底的暗潮,有時是徐徐的風聲,也有時是時間、是記憶、是深處的感知,這類不具形像之事物流淌綿延於你我內部。因此,它們也能藉由不同媒介、型態,以抽象的方式被傳遞,與受眾之間產生各種的連結共鳴和激盪。 作者多以刻印、痕跡、拼貼、聲響、雕塑等方式創作。從視覺可觸及之感、三維的擠壓縮張,到聽覺開啟另一個想像空間,作者欲營造一個觀者與作品之間的對話,沒有特定的風景,沒有既定的答案。

    This exhibition starts with the flow. While using different materials to create, the artist realized that flow might have diverse forms and possibilities. Sometimes the flow is the uninterrupted water or the undercurrent in the deep sea. Sometimes the flow is the gentle sound of the wind, the time, the memory, or the deep perception. These kinds of intangible things stretch within you and me. Therefore, they can also be transmitted abstractly, generating various connections, resonance, and agitation with the audience. The artist creates works in the form of engraving and trace, collage, sound, sculpture, etc. From the sense of visual palpability to the three-dimensional squeeze and the imaginary space by hearing. The artist creates a dialogue between the viewer and the work without a specific scenery and a predetermined answer.



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