Slices of time draw interesting gaps, leaving moments with light. Sometimes we don't need to understand, but just to feel, in a trance moment, we disperse and escape from our daily life and go to a distant place.
Each sparkling experience, swayed by the tide of time, enriches our lives that look dry, and nurtures the courage to face the unknown, which grows stronger day by day.
Sparkling Time - Yingfan Chen Solo Exhibition
▌2022. 07. 11 Mon. — 07. 31 Sun.
週一 12:00-15:00
週二 12:00-15:00
週三 12:00-17:00
週五 12:00-17:00
週日 12:00-17:00
陳盈帆 Yingfan Chen
1975年生於台北,師大美術系,紐約SVA插畫研究所。曾獲美國3X3插畫展專業繪本類優選(2015)、豐子愷圖畫書獎入圍兩本(2013)、義大利波隆那插畫展入選(2011)、國家出版獎優選(2008)、BAIJ繪本原畫展入選(2002)。現從事插畫、兒童繪本與陶藝,創作量豐富。著作有《123到台灣》《蘋果甜蜜蜜》《鬼門開》《小小寶寶》等數十本;與作家合作繪本數十本;插畫出版品(國語日報、親子天下、小魯出版社等)百餘本。 -
view all【有風的日子—李光裕雕塑展】Days Beneath the Breeze - LEE Kuang-Yu Sculpture Exhibition
日期:2025-01-11 ~ 2025-03-02|台灣,台北市
46 days left