

【三羽 Three Birds| 蔡咅璟個展】

  • 展期

    日期:2022-07-14 ~ 2022-08-06

  • 地點

    台北市內湖區新明路86巷1號 (伊日藝術計劃)

  • 相關連結


  • 參展藝術家


  • 【 Upcoming|三羽 Three Birds| 蔡咅璟個展 Tsai Pou-Ching Solo Exhibition 】

    藝術家蔡咅璟1986 年出生於嘉義,作品多以錄像、裝置為主要媒材。近年創作主要專注於生物學相關的研究脈絡,藉由誤用、偽造……不同的⽅式利⽤⽣物學的系統進⾏創作。
    這⼀系列的發想來⾃藝術家從⼩喜歡動物,喜歡瞭解動物相關的知識,⽽藝術家也常常藉由這些動物的知識獲得啓發,每當他打開電視觀看這些動物們的紀錄⽚時,常常在想自身對這些遙遠的動物的意義,據說每年有上千物種 被⽣物學家發現,卻也有上千物種尚未被發現就消失了,而人跟動物彼此的關係又是什麼?基於這樣的出發點試圖透過迴異於科學的方式,在生物學的檔案脈絡中梳理出一條素人式的生物學研究,藉此重新理解人與動物之間的關係。

    Born in 1986, Taiwan, Chiayi. Live and work in Tainan. Pou Ching mostly work with image and installation, his practice often provokes common ideologies within imagination among desire, gender and social structure issues.
    Pou Ching cleverly make up playful yet fragmented information with knowledge systems and symbols, leading audience to re-examine their blind faith in knowledge system and science methodology in the process of watching. By doing so, audience will be able to use their own physical experience as a channel for self-reflection on the authenticity of so-called ‘Knowledge of Nature’ and how people use it to define their relations with other creatures.


    三羽 Three Birds| 蔡咅璟個展 Tsai Pou-Ching Solo Exhibition
    開幕茶會|07.23 15:00-19:00
    地點|伊日藝術計劃 1F
    時間|Tue. – Sat. 14:00 – 19:00 週日、一休館

    Date | 2022.07.14–08.06
    Opening|07.23 15:00-19:00
    Venue | YIRI ARTS 1F
    Open | Tue.—Sat. 14:00—19:00
    Closed | Sun.—Mon.
    Add. | No. 1, Lane 86, Xinming Road, Neihu District, Taipei City 114030, TAIWAN



伊日藝術計劃 蔡咅璟錄像裝置


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