【氵/責 Free/Responsible】謝其昌創作展 Chi-Chang, Hsieh's Artworks Exhibition

展期|2022.8.31-9.25 ▸米馬羊藝術空間
展期|2022.8.31-10.19 ▸102當代藝術空間
時間|9/4 (日) 14:30
時間|9/11 (日) 15:00
時間|10/2 (日) 15:00
文/策展人 翁琤筑
法國後現代主義藝術家吉爾•德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze 1925-1995)的皺摺(fold)概念是關於無限變動的生命,如同於一張面料上不斷的皺摺。而生命的存在即是從差異中尋找相似性如同創作者與其創作之間的關係。「氵/責-謝其昌創作展」將帶領觀者進入創作者的創作核心-心魂的體現。無限變動的生命如同反覆堆疊的顏料,對創作者來說藝術家的生命歷程等同於作品的生命歷程。因此,作品是隨著創作者的生命變動展現於觀者眼前。如何面對過去並尋找和創造差異性是創作者於面對其創作的首要問題。創作者巧妙的應用不同底材的創作引領觀者從探討媒材本身的差異性至更深層的生命哲思。例如紙本和畫布等底材的應用,顏料於紙張上是易被吸收但無法反覆堆疊的,反之畫布是不易吸收但可反覆堆疊的。這兩者之間的差異性亦改變創作者創作時的速度與構成如同生命於不同時間與環境的發展。
Text by Cheng-zhu Weng
Free/Responsible-Free/Responsible—Chi-Chang, Hsieh's Artworks Exhibition is about a representation of the artist’s spirit and soul.
Introduced by Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), postmodern French artist and thinker, the concept of the fold is about the unceasing changes of life that is akin to countless folds on a piece of fabric; and the existence of life seeks similarities among all variations, like the connection between the artist and his work. The exhibition Free/Responsible will guide its audience into the core theme of the artist’s creation–which is his representation of mind and soul. Life with unceasing changes is like repeated layering paint, for in a creator’s perspective, the artist’s life journey corresponds to the creative process of his work. Thus the works are presented to the viewers according to the artist’s transformation of life. To an artist, one of the fundamental issues about creation is about perspective on the past while seeking and making a difference. To viewers, the choice application of multiple media in the works ushers in a deeper sense of meditation on life, rather than just a discussion of the variations in media. Take the distinction between on paper and on canvas for example: paper easily absorbs the paint although it doesn’t support repeated layers on paint, and canvas is the opposite. The difference between these two kinds of medium can also alter the pace in a creative process, constructing some comparable development to life in different seasons and environments.
Viewers may recognize the signs of transformation of human life, marked by the time and the space, from the paintings in this exhibition. The unique symbolic trademark of the artist’s creative style may evoke the unintentional drawings in our daily experiences and recollections of life. On the other hand, human life experience has in fact tinted the life of painting, the flow of paint on each painting implies the artist’s body movement as well as unpreventable gravity, just like the spirit of freedom in the artist. Hence an artist can demonstrate the rhythm of life via his creative deeds, and so lead us to meditate: on the connection between life and art, also on how time and space may induce art and life of a man. Like the exhibition of Free/Responsible at two art sites, inviting an audience to come and thus experience appreciation and contemplation in a heterotopia.
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