

【鄭瓊娟 : 恬謐歲月】CHENG Chung-chuan : Quiet Times

  • 展期

    日期:2022-08-27 ~ 2022-09-24

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  • 參展藝術家

    鄭瓊娟 CHENG Chung-chuan

  • 鄭瓊娟:恬謐歲月
    CHENG Chung-chuan: Quiet Times

    展期 Duration|August 27 – September 24, 2022
    地點 Venue|紅野畫廊 Powen Gallery(台北市中山區松江路164巷11號,10:00-19:00 週一休館 Closed on Mondays)










    CHENG Chung-chuan: Quiet Times

    Duration|August 27 – September 24, 2022
    Venue|Powen Gallery(No. 11, Lane 164, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10491 / 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays)

    What is the ultimate practice of art?

    There is no purpose.

    Without any intentional or subconscious external behaviors, such as selling, imitation, showmanship, fame or status (as is so often seen in the art world), the works that arise naturally can give viewers infinite room to be appreciated.

    In addition, a viewer must let go of material things in order to be blessed with wisdom and joy that can be derived from a work of exceptional artistic quality, and apply it to his or her life afterwards.

    Art is philosophy in action, and the spirit behind it is priceless.

    Some people want to get to know Cheng Chung-chuan personally, yet her life experiences, personal thoughts, and concepts about all things are all hidden in her oeuvre. The artworks are created in a completely pure and spiritual state of mind, which is beyond what words and language can express.

    Each of her paintings is a new attempt, an artistic expression that has never been done before.

    The pace of modern life is so fast that there are more distractions than there used to be. It is difficult to take time to relax and maintain peace of mind.

    Why not take a 15-minute break? Silence your cell phone and visit the exhibition, “CHENG Chung-chuan: Quiet Times”. Relax and then immerse yourself in the luminous qualities of the paintings.


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紅野畫廊鄭瓊娟CHENG Chung-chuanPowen Gallery台北畫展


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