


  • 展期

    日期:2022-09-09 ~ 2022-10-02

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 本次展覽「凸起的_,凹陷的景」( In Different Sides )是以我個人的日常觀察視角為創作脈絡出發,思考突兀感與異樣感從何而生,又是如何習以為常。我向來不將自己作品內容定位於「風景」,凸起的點與凹陷的景其實在講的更像是我日常散步的觀察行為,指涉的景更接近異常、陌生的景象與感受,凸起看久了就跟凹陷無差異,一切習以為常。

    In Different Sides是我在翻譯展覽名稱時,認為最為貼近的英文。最初是從two sides of the same coin這句短語獲取靈感,我的解讀則是,視角的差異帶來解讀的不同,藉以延伸到日常觀察的視角,所謂的凸跟凹並非指真的是視覺感受的凸起與凹陷,而是意圖指示視角差異帶來的意外感受。我試圖深刻的擁抱這個自身所處的時代,以自身的視角探索並予以回應,將日常物件拆解、堆疊、拼貼重組於畫面之中。

    《凸起的_,凹陷的景》 張巧妤個展
    展期 Dates|2022/09/09 (Fri.) - 10/02 (Sun.)
    開幕茶會Reception&Guided Tour|2022/09/17 (Sat.) 15:00 pm
    地點 Venue|木甦MUSU
    開放Open to public|13:00 - 20:00(週二不開放,週日:13:00 – 18:00)

    This exhibition “In Different Sides” starts from my daily observations. I think about where the sense of abruptness and peculiarity has sprouted and figure out how I get used to it. However, I have never positioned the content of my works as “landscape”. The protruded point and caved scene are actually more like my founding during a daily stroll, referring much close to unusual sights and unfamiliar feelings. Therefore, It is nearly indistinguishable between protrusion and depression when focusing on them more and taking them as usual and customary.

    “In Different Sides” is the closest and the fittest word choice when I translated from the Chinese title of the exhibition. Originally, I was inspired by the phrase “Two sides of the same coin”. For my understanding, the difference in perspectives leads to distinct interpretations, thereby extending into the angle of daily observations. The so-called protrusion and depression do not truly reflect their literal visual perception but are intentionally indicated to be an unexpected experience led by the angle difference of viewing. At last, I try to deeply embrace the era I currently live in, and respond with my own exploration.



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日期:2024-10-12 ~ 2025-02-02|台灣,台北市

18 days left