

【流光 生命之樹 】曾英棟個展

  • 【流光 生命之樹 │ 曾英棟 個展 】
    Trees of Life: In Search of the Flowing Light │ Tseng Ying Tung - Solo Exhibition
    Exhibition Dates 展期|2022.10.15 (Saturday)- 11.15 (Tuesday) 13:00-17:00 (採預約制 by reservation)
    Opening Ceremony 開幕式|2022.10.15 (Saturday) 14:00
    Location 展覽地點|正藝美學空間(台北市大安區新生南路二段82-3號)Artrue Gallery (No.82-3, Section 2, Xinsheng S. Road, Da’an District, Taipei City 10650, Taiwan)
    Phone No. 電話|+886 2 2358 3008

    預約觀展|每週二至六 13:00-17:00 (預約制)

    本次個展將展出曾英棟較為完整的 「生命之樹」系列作品。 樹的原型皆取材自曾英棟所創立、位於台南 甘樂阿舍美術館 的庭院,譬如曾為台南精神標誌的刺桐樹、莖部圓潤的佛肚花、多刺嬌艷的九重葛、豐富生命力的仙人掌....等,同時也對應出了花朶,果實,樹木的多元形式。

    10/15開幕式當天,特別邀請到來自世界各地好物選品、提倡慢活及好好生活的 ANJESS 結合 獲得米其林綠星與必比登推薦的小小樹食為本次展覽帶來一場美食饗宴搭配現場爵士樂團的演出,在正藝美學一起度過美好的時光。

    The beginning of life comes from an appreciation of nature, returning to the source of creation, and once again let ting endless love and joy wash over you, gently soothing your heart.

    This solo exhibition will showcase Tseng Ying Tung's relatively complete "Tree of Life" series of works. The inspiration for the trees are all drawn from the courtyard of the Asir Art Museum in Tainan (founded by Tseng Ying Tung), such as the Erythrina tree - which was the spiritual symbol of Tainan, the Buddha belly flower with round stems, the thorny and beautiful bougainvillea, and the richly vital cactus.... etc., these correspond to the multiple forms of flowers, fruits and trees.

    The tree also symbolizes the correspondence of ecological beings - the trunk and the branches are the body, the roots are like lymph and nerve tracts and blood vessels. The blossoming and falling of flowers represents life as the beginnings and endings of life are strung together.
    This series of works uses the common language of the world - "money" and the common spirit of all mankind - "love" as the symbol throughout the works. At the same time reflects Tseng Ying Tung's free and wild soul and his love for nature.

    Most of Tseng Ying Tung's works are qualified as mixed media , using the blend of pulp and sand to construct the base and shape, followed by layer upon layer of oil paint. The surface of the work presents a rough and vicissitudes texture to give off an impression of the passing of time.
    On 10/15, the opening day, we specially invited ANJESS to bring a selection of treats from all over the world. An advocate for slow and good living, with the Michelin Green Star and Bib Gourmand's recommendation, ANJESS brings a delicious feast to this exhibition. There will also be a live jazz band performing, come have a good time together at Artrue Gallery.
    +886 2 2358 3008
    No.82-3, Section 2, Xinsheng S. Road, Da’an District, Taipei City 10650, Taiwan



artrue曾英棟 Tseng Ying Tung藝術藝美學展覽大自然


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