


  • 展期

    日期:2022-10-24 ~ 2022-11-11

  • 地點

    106 台北市大安區仁愛路三段136號3樓

  • 參展藝術家


  • 帝圖科技公司藝廊將於 十月二十四帶來駐英台灣新興藝術家張芷盈的紙上油畫作品個展,本次展覽聚焦於她最新油畫作品系列的開端與延伸,講述一個從環保蔬菜箱裡誕生的故事。「Oddbox」是倫敦市當地的一間小型蔬菜寄送公司,專門收購農場賣不出去的剩菜並以環保的方式寄送給顧客。藝術家在一個Oddbox的箱子裡發現了一個由兩條茄子並列而生的「雙尾茄」,神似連體嬰,又令人聯想到關於一個身體兩個靈魂,或是一個存在多個身分的臆想。




    張芷盈的作品著重於表達歸屬感的缺席,地理上,同時在社交生活上與性別性向上。透明,沒有可以直接與之構成連接的事物,或者說因為透明,所以可以跟所有事物都暫時產生模糊的連結,進而變成一個漂浮又多面向的東西。藝術家把這種對於透明存在的執著與自身經驗連結在一起,在一個充滿英文母語國人—大多數美國人— 的網絡世界裡一個外國人的經驗,或是更簡單的來說,出生在一個「未來是靜置的的時代」(Mark Fisher, Ghosts of My Life),一個目睹二十世紀文化與藝術的流派試區分法漸漸失靈的時代,被擱淺在時間的沙灘上。

    展覽期間 2022-10-24 到 2022-11-11
    地址: 106 台北市大安區仁愛路三段136號3樓

    Art Emperor is proud to present a solo show by Zoey Chih Ying Chang, which focuses on the start and the continuation of her newly established series of oil on paper. The series started with an artistic contemplation of an odd aubergine with two ends, which she found in a weekly subscription vegetable box in London. The aubergine has a merged head but two tails, signifying interpretations such as: one body two spirits, one entity two identities.. etc. The artist finds it resonating to her own condition in multiple ways, being a believer and practitioner in gender fluidity and being someone without a definite sense of belonging. Thus, the series starts with two caricatures of the aubergine, then ascend and starts to float beyond the material body of the vegetable as the artist’s mind starts to drift.

    In a setting like this, the artist started to imagine the aubergine and herself as clouds floating in the sky, changing all it’s properties by the minute according to the temperature, sunlight, and the wind. Whist artistically describing her identity, the artist also humorously ponders on the identity of a cloud as if they’re sentient beings.

    Exhibiting artist statement:

    Chang's body of work focuses on the absence of sense of belonging, it lurks geographically, socially and sexually. She describes it as being transparent, having nothing to directly relate to. The desire to understand the social environment results in having too much to vaguely relate to, hence becoming a flexible being that float(The Dislocation of Body, Spirit and Landscape- 2022), or an object with contrasting identities(Aubergine and Its Illusions- 2022). Equally this phenomenon can be said to describe the experience of being a foreigner online in a realm largely dominated by English speakers, namely Americans. Or the feeling of being born to an era where the future is suspended(inspired by Mark Fisher, Ghosts of My Life).



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