伊通公園 IT PARK
【佈局-Maria Lezhnina個展】

日期:2023-02-11 ~ 2023-02-26
伊通公園 IT PARK (台北市中山區伊通街41號3樓)
Maria Lezhnina
通過一系列色彩的空間組織,來呈現「大氣存在」的型態表徵。 並藉由處於不同狀態的多種顏色表面──布朗粒子雲與傾斜的平坦牆壁──表現出彩色景觀。
The exhibition explores the creation of environments.
The series of works in the space are linked through multiple and superimposed forms, making the works themselves independent but not a single interactive relationship.
Through the spatial organization of a series of colors, the form representation of "atmospheric existence" is presented. And with multicolored surfaces in different states—brownian particle clouds and sloping flat walls—colorful landscapes are created.
The form of this exhibition is different from the idea of artistic spiritual meditation. Through the subtle connection with totem symbols, the exhibition itself shows an attempt to integrate animism and the aesthetics of living space to explore the tense pace of life.
This is the artist's step towards artistic research by integrating imagery and aesthetic perspectives from modern physics to Buddhist thangkas.
佈局 Forms of Arrangement
▎Solo Exhibition by Maria Lezhnina
展期 Dates
▎2023.02.11 - 02.26
展覽開幕 Opening Reception
▎ 02.11(Sat)15:00 - 19:00
地點 Location
▎伊通公園 IT PARK(台北市伊通街41號3樓)
▎三(Wed.) -⽇(Sun.)13:00 - 20:30
view all財團法人英才文教基金會
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