

【筆記本在想什麼? What Do You Have in Mind, Dear Notebooks?】張文菀個展 Wen-Woan Chang Solo Exhibition

  • 展期

    日期:2023-05-20 ~ 2023-06-17

  • 地點

    德鴻畫廊 (台南市中西區中山路1號)

  • 相關連結


  • 參展藝術家

    張文菀 Wen-Woan CHANG

  • 筆記本在想什麼? What Do You Have in Mind, Dear Notebooks?-
    張文菀個展 Wen-Woan Chang Solo Exhibition




    On my yellow bookshelf, there sits a pile of notebooks, yet only a handful of them have been written in from beginning to end. The contents of each notebook are perfectly clear to me: they hold notes from classes I attended, cherished quotes and passages from books, whimsical doodles, words and phrases that resonate with me, and drawings of my finished works.

    I find it enjoyable to anticipate the audience's feedback on my work, but I often struggle with deciding what type of work to create. It is magical every time an idea jumps to mind. Maybe these inspiring moments have happened when I’m washing my hands with soap, watching a cue ball accidentally sink into a pocket alongside another ball, noticing something special that is not considered a part of the exhibition, when I was observing a bloated snake lounging in a pet store, discovering the audience's preferences during an exhibition, or leafing through my notebooks.

    So, I open up these notebooks and see what they have in mind, wondering my next move.


    The artist was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1995 and earned a B.F.A. degree in sculpture from Taipei National University of the Arts. The artist often appropriates art history to juxtapose it with life experiences, responding to her own observations about the everyday life and art in a playful and amusing way, aiming to challenge the audience's perceptions and engage in conceptual dialectics that spark reflection and re-examination of established concepts.

    藝術家Artist|張文菀 Wen-Woan CHANG
    展期 Duration|2023.05.20 (Sat) - 2023.06.17 (Sat)
    開幕 Opening|2023.05.20 (Sat) 15:00
    聯絡 Contact|info@derhorng.com|06-2271125
    地點 Venue|德鴻畫廊(台南市中西區中山路1號)



德鴻畫廊張文菀Wen-Woan CHANG筆記本在想什麼? What Do You Have in Mind


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