

【家基地、壁癌、貼皮和組合屋 Home: Foundation, Wall Cancer, Skin, and Shelter】

  • 展期

    日期:2023-05-06 ~ 2023-06-04

  • 地點

    臺東縣臺東市浙江路350號 (臺東美術館山歌、海舞廳)

  • 參展藝術家


  • 家:基地、壁癌、貼皮和組合屋 Home: Foundation, Wall Cancer, Skin, and Shelter
    Our world is changing, and along with it, our understanding of what a home means. During the pandemic, some families were forced to live under a same roof, others emigrated and had to set up temporary residences - all of these contributed to loosen the original outline of what a “home” is. A home can be mobile or rooted: it is from “home” that notions of family attachment are derived, but also issues of violence, politics and culture. Through all, little by little, a new form of home is being drawn. Our homeland is no longer stagnant or steady, migration also possesses fluidity in its imagination. Since this movement occurs when people leave their home but also involves houses themselves, for houses aren’t established once and for all, how should we define the borders of a home? After leaving home, what could “returning” signify? Furthermore, how can we understand the bond between people and their land in a new way?
    The exhibition takes the characteristics of four kinds of houses as subthemes, consisting of “base”, “wall cancer”, “skin” and “shelter”. “Base” is the architectural foundation and root of the house, as well as the secret place designed to hold activities. “Wall cancer” can correspond to the common appearance of walls in Taiwanese houses, as a consequence of the humid climate, but it also symbolises the difficult, intricate and underlying problems of a family. “Skin” is related to contact papers, it is often used as a cost-effective choice under economical constraints, to emulate textures on furniture and decorations. It is also related to the reimagining of “skins” as appearances after the impact of digitalisation in our modern society. The last chapter “Shelter” is about the nimble and diverse nature of space composition. By recombining the shell and fragments of a home, we can think about what hybrid houses may develop and suggest. This exhibition invited in total nine artists, from Taiwan, Malaysia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Switzerland and Serbia, to work together and construct both a narrative and a return to “home” in a cross-cultural context. Through a variety of media, they were invited to outline the form of “home” at a certain moment in time, as well as open up an imaginative dialogue, through the attributes of fluidity and diversity.
    開幕時間:2023年5月6日(六) 14:00
    Opening: 06.05.2023 (Sat.) 14:00
    (開幕記者會後始開放參觀 Opening officially after press conference)
    Date: 06.05.2023(Sat.)-04.06.2023(Sun.)
    開放時間 :週二至週日 9:00-17:00(12:00-13:30中午休館)
    Time: Tue.-Sun. 9:00-17:00 (12:00-13:30 closed)
    展覽地點:臺東美術館 (臺東縣臺東市浙江路350號)
    Venue: Taitung Art Museum (No.350, Zhejiang Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County)
    藝術家分享:2023年5月7日(日) 15:00 藝術家:STIRNIMANN-STOJANOVIC
    Artist Sharing Session: 07.05.2023(Sun.) with STIRNIMANN-STOJANOVIC
    座談時間:2023年6月3日(六) 15:00 與談人:潘娉玉
    Curator’s Talk: 03.06.2023(Sat.) with PAN PING-YU
    策展人 Curators:
    盧芛 LU WEI
    段沐 TUAN MU
    藝術家 Artists:
    陳奕彣 CHEN YI-WEN
    洪譽豪 HUNG YU-HAO
    黃子儇 NG ZHI-XIEN
    視覺設計 Graphic Designer:
    廖一豪 LIAO I-HAO
    英文翻譯 English Translator:
    王愛眉 Aymei Wang
    指導單位 Advisor:
    主辦單位 Organizer:
    贊助單位 Sponsor:
    supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council

台東美術館聯展盧芛 段沐


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