【大雋藝術 展間 Room 1003|2023 ART TAICHUNG 台中藝術博覽會】
2023 ART TAICHUNG台中藝術博覽會
▍大雋藝術展間 Rich Art Gallery Room|1003
▍展出藝術家 Artists|
蔡尉成 Tsai Wei-Cheng
王曉勃 Wang Xiao-Bo
白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya
李素乙 Lee Soeul
智敉譽 Jimere
▍展覽日期Exhibition Date|
07/14(五)-07/15(六) 12:00~19:00
07/16(日) 12:00~18:00
▍貴賓預展 VIP Preview
07/13(四) 15:00~19:00
▍展覽地點Exhibition Venue|林酒店 The Lin Hotel F8-F11
台中市西屯區朝富路99號No.99 Chaofu Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
2023年迎來第十一屆ART TAICHUNG台中藝術博覽會,於7月14日至7月16日台中林酒店盛大登場,本屆聚焦城市中姿態萬千的雕塑創作與生活美感體驗,藉以串連空間、人文、城市之間的對話,大雋藝術將呼應題旨,於展間【1003】呈現蔡尉成雕塑新作,並秉持藝術融入生活之精神,邀集中國藝術家王曉勃、日本藝術家白田誉主也,以及來自韓國的李素乙、智敉譽共襄盛舉,發表其最新平面創作,兼容多元題材與風格表現,以期建立觀者更豐富的感知體驗及美學品味。仲夏時節邀請您匯聚一堂感受藝術魅力!
The 11th ART TAICHUNG 2023 will take place this year from July 14th to 16th at the The Lin Hotel Taichung. The overarching theme of this year is Perceptual Dimensions: Sculptures in the City, which will focus on how to elevate a city’s aesthetic sense and how to redefine a city’s ethos and ideology. Rich Art Gallery will echo the theme by presenting the new sculptures of Tsai Wei-Cheng in Room 1003. To Integrate the spirit of art into life, the exhibition also invites Wang Xiao-Bo, Japanese artist Hakuta Yoshuya, as well as Lee Soeul and Jimere from South Korea to showcase their latest paintings, encompassing different perspectives and stylistic features, aiming to create a more enriching aesthetic experience for the audience. We cordially invite you to immerse yourselves for an enchanting journey through the artworks in this midsummer season! -
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