鬧空間 NOW space
【Embodiment・化身】Leiya Wang Solo Photography Exhibition

日期:2023-06-01 ~ 2023-06-25
Leiya Wang(王蕾雅)
「Embodiment • 化身」,以視覺語言探討傳統二次元性別下性權力不平等的現象。通過四部曲的作品,展現從自我情感上的壓抑,逐漸使用理性角度剖析問題根源,最後與創傷開啟對話並和解的過程。狂暴的忿怒與細膩的感知,在帶有不安的綠色調使用下同時被表現,暗示出內心中理智與肆無忌憚的情緒相互間的拉扯。經由藝術創作,在一系列的隱喻、柔和的燈光與精心安排的構圖呈現下,自身已和主題到達和平的結局。
Leiya Wang Solo Photography Exhibition
☾日期|2023.06.01 – 2023.06.25
☾開幕|2023.06.03 19:00-21:00
☾地點|鬧空間 NOW space
☾策展協力|鬧工作室 NOW studio
Leiya Wang
Leiya Wang(王蕾雅)1998年出生於台南,現居於紐約布魯克林。畢業於School of Visual Arts 紐約視覺藝術學院攝影學系。攝影為主軸,實驗性短片為輔,作品主要以性別認同,性別角色和挑戰傳統為出發點,將抽象的個人情感和創傷轉化為具體化的影像。打破傳統性權力不平等和壓迫,反轉攝影者和被攝者的性別角色,並在具有個人風格和不同詮釋下,開啟關於男性裸體為主體的對話。
Created from an experience of personal trauma, these images delve into sexual power dynamics, conveying both a sense of unwanted violence and conflict and a desire for other bodies and their parts. Hugely influenced by Viennese actionism, the action of explicitly presenting the wounds, the scars, and the pain on the bodies probes the viewers’ boundaries. With an unsettling greenish cast, the images register both a feeling of anger and a sensual precision, suggesting a psychological conflict between rationality and unbridled emotions. A sense of catharsis and forgiveness is suggested through metaphors, soft lighting, and careful composition: the subject matter and this project have arrived at a peaceful ending.
Leiya Wang Solo Photography Exhibition
☾Date | June 01 - June 25, 2023
☾Opening | June 03, 2023 19:00 to 21:00
☾Venue | 鬧空間 NOW space
☾Address | 3F., No. 58, Yanping S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
☾Curatorial Collective | 鬧工作室 NOW studio
Leiya Wang (They/Them) leiyawang.com
Born in Tainan, Taiwan, 1998. Now living and working in New York City.
2020 - 2023
BFA, Photography and Video, School of Visual Arts, New York
2016 – 2019
BA, Graphic Communications and Digital Publishing, Shih Hsin University, Taipei
2022 Group show, “Interconnection”, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York
2020 Volume 27; Louder, Visual Opinion
2021 Volume 28: Exposed, Visual Opinion -