
伊日藝術計劃 YIRI ARTS

【新藤杏子 Kyoko ShindoDuality】

  • 展期

    日期:2023-07-13 ~ 2023-08-05

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 日本藝術家新藤杏子的創作是從日常生活中的生命經驗提取並內省轉化。像是生物通過土壤中的微生物和養分生長繁殖,最後又回歸於大地並產生新生命的生生不息循環。 並將自身的生命經驗再重製成新的故事與概念,構築成自己的繪畫風格。

    Kyoko Shindo's practices draw inspiration from everyday life experiences and undergo a process of introspection. Similar to the perpetual cycle of life, where organisms flourish and propagate through the symbiotic relationship between microorganisms and nutrients in the soil, eventually returning to the earth to foster new life, Shindo strives to reshape her personal narratives into fresh conceptual frameworks, giving birth to her unique artistic style.

    Courtesy The Artists and YIRI ARTS

    ▶Jul.13–Aug 05, 2023

    ▶Opening : Jul 15,3–7 pm

    ▶Tuesday–Saturday 2–7pm (Last entry at 6:30pm)

伊日藝術計劃 YIRI ARTSDuality新藤杏子


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伊日藝術計劃 YIRI ARTS

【Evi Pangestu-Overthinking Squares】

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【安娜.馬爾塔-菜單 Ana Malta MENU】

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