【【大衛· 歌斯坦 夏季特展 】

日期:2023-07-21 ~ 2023-09-15
大衛· 歌斯坦 David Gerstein
【大衛· 歌斯坦 夏季特展 】
David Gerstein - Summer Special Exhibition
展期 Dates │ 2023.07.21 – 2023.09.15
#預約制 By Appointment Only
地點 Venue │ Artrue 正藝美學空間 (106台北市大安區新生南路二段82-3號) No. 82-3, Sec. 2, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan
電話 Phone | +886 2 2358 3008
LINE | @artrueasia
Email | info@artrue.asia
大衛· 歌斯坦 David Gerstein,1944年生於以色列耶路撒冷,是一名傑出的以色列藝術家、公共藝術/戶外藝術創作者。他以獨具個人特色的剪切式金屬雕塑藝術被人們熟知,並稱呼為新一代的波普藝術 (Pop Art)。
全世界有無數個頂尖城市收藏大衛· 歌斯坦的經典作品,巡展足跡遍及各地,在以色列當地則被稱為國寶級藝術家,並以色列權威媒體 ISRAEL21c列為十大以色列國際當代藝術家之一,其藝術作品和公共雕塑遍及亞洲、歐洲、北美和南美,台灣台南美術館亦有收藏大衛· 歌斯坦代表性的公共藝術品。
David Gerstein, born in Jerusalem, Israel in1944, is an Israeli artist of great acclaim, most notably known for his works of public and outdoor art. He is well known for his unique metal-cut sculptures and has been named the next generation of Pop Art.
Many of the top cities in the world have been collecting the classic works of David Gerstein. His exhibitions have been toured all over the world and at home, in Israel, as an artist he is considered a natural treasure. ISRAEL21c has listed Gerstein as one of the top ten Israeli international contemporary artists. Throughout Asia, North America, South America, and Europe his public art and sculptures have been spread, and now in Tainan, Taiwan, we have the representing and displaying a collection of David Gerstein’s public art and sculptures.
This summer special exhibition injects vitality into the passionate season by combining David's extraordinary artistic accomplishments and sense of humor, granting ordinary things infinite vitality and awakening modern individuals to embrace simplicity and beauty in life. David advocates for attention to daily life and utilizes a down-to-earth visual language to express reverence for art, understanding of life, and love for humanity. Through his artwork, he hopes to spread "aesthetic education" like seeds scattered in the air, reaching a wide audience. -