【彼得.奧普海姆 : 繁花裡的精靈】Peter Opheim : The Sublime and Elusive Flower
日期:2023-07-29 ~ 2023-08-26
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彼得.奧普海姆 Peter Opheim
Peter Opheim: The Sublime and Elusive Flower
⋄ Artist|彼得.奧普海姆 Peter Opheim
⋄ Duration|July 29 – August 26, 2023
⋄ Opening|July 29, 2023 Sat. 15:00
⋄ Venue|紅野畫廊 Powen Gallery
* 藝術家彼得.奧普海姆將出席展覽開幕 *
彼得.奧普海姆(Peter Opheim)於紅野畫廊的最新展覽作品中,從「花朵」的形意開啟探索,並融入於他特有的「精靈」生物語彙。在許多文化中,花具有多重的象徵意義,例如,相傳有座古代七大奇蹟之一,是巴比倫迦勒底帝國的尼布甲尼撒二世,為思念家鄉的王妃阿米蒂斯,打造的「空中花園」(paradeisos),這個希臘文詞彙,後來演變為英文「paradise」,即「天堂」的字意。
一般花朵經由蝴蝶與蜜蜂等生物的授粉,來達到開花繁衍、結果之生命週期循環,但在大自然的奧妙中,也有一種因為演化不完全,花中既無雄蕊亦無雌蕊的花,稱為「無性花 asexual flower」,例如漂亮的繡球花就是其代表之一。或許在生物學上,這種狀態被視為一種先天演化的缺陷與退化,但從「生命的互映性」與「無分別性」的向度來看,卻能給我們沉思與啟發。
Peter Opheim: The Sublime and Elusive Flower
⋄ Artist|Peter Opheim
⋄ Duration|July 29 – August 26, 2023
⋄ Opening|July 29, 2023 Sat. 15:00
⋄ Venue|Powen Gallery(No.11, Ln. 164, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan / 10:00-19:00 Closed on Sundays & Mondays)
Peter Opheim furthered his artistic exploration in his latest solo show at Powen Gallery, where he skillfully combines his “creatures” with the imagery of flowers.
Through pollination, a process achieved by butterflies, bees, and beyond, a flower ultimately bears fruit and reproduces, completing the cycle of life. Flowers have occupied multiple symbolisms across different cultures. For instance, the Paradeisos, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was an aerial floral garden built by Nebuchadnezzar II of the Babylonian Chaldean dynasty to solace his homesick wife. The Greek word paradeisos later became paradise, taking on the meaning of the Christian heaven.
However, another kind of flower in nature differs in its reproductive process due to its incomplete evolution. Asexual flowers refer to a species that lacks stamens and pistils; the hydrangea is one classic example. From the perspective of botanical studies, this is deemed a natural defect resulting from biological degeneration. However, from the parameter of the inter-reflexibility of lives and non-dichotomy, the existence of the asexual flowers is inspirational and worthy of our cogitation.
A flower’s ability to transform, transduce, and inspire predates ancient human civilization. While Peter Opheim’s “creatures” suggest to its viewer the presence of living organisms and the extrasensory perception. “The Sublime and Elusive Flower” of recent is some of the most atmospheric in Opheim’s repertoire; this is most evident in the softened colours, the living organisms’ ability to self-heal, the freshly sprung up sprout grown from remains buried underneath the ground.
Opheim’s works also possess a linguistic quality, with the effacing of ego, the delicate presence of flora, and their implicitly inspirational nature. The ethereal color palettes, and distant rhythms within the pieces all serve as the reflections of the artist’s spiritual sojourning.
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