

【歌詠藝川—前輩畫家黃歌川畫展】Praising the River of Art: Taiwanese Predecessor Artist HUANG Ko-Chuan

  • 【 歌詠藝川—前輩畫家黃歌川畫展 】

    戰後台灣前輩藝術家之中,黃歌川(1919-2010)是一位閱歷豐富而創作形式多元的佼佼者,當時創下許多讓人驚豔的藝術成就,如今惜已逐漸為人所淡忘。值得一提的是,他曾提倡現代蠟染畫,開發新技法與新表現,嘗試融合中國美學與西洋抽象,展現強烈的筆觸肌理與「東方」新美感。戰後台灣現代繪畫運動裡,值得吾輩好好重新認識他的藝術世界。本次展出冰裂紋蠟染畫、複合媒材、油畫與水墨等作品,並舉辦黃歌川藝術講座,及蠟染教學課程,讓大眾認識他獨特的繪畫風格,感受蠟染藝術的魅力。 ─ 策展人 廖新田

    ■ 主辦單位 | 黃歌川藝術工作室、SHUNG YE GALLERY
    ■ 策 展 人 | 廖新田 (台灣藝術大學藝術管理與文化政策研究所教授)

    ■ 展覽
    日 期 | 2023.11.18 ~ 2024.02.18
    地 點 | SHUNG YE GALLERY (免費參觀)
    地 址 |台北市中正區延平南路5號3樓
    電 話 | (02) 2381-8322
    開館時間 | 週二至週日 9:00-17:00 (每週一與農曆春節假期休館)

    ■ 蠟染教學
    時 間 | 2023.12.09 (六) 13:00~17:00 (需預約)
    講 師 | 鄭美慧老師

    ■ 藝術講座
    時 間 | 2023.12.16 (六) 14:00~16:00 (憑美術館參觀門票 或 邀請卡入場)
    講 題 | 歌詠藝川—前輩畫家黃歌川
    主 講 | 廖新田教授

    【 Praising the River of Art : Taiwanese Predecessor Artist HUANG Ko-Chuan 】
    Among many Taiwanese senior artists after the WWII, HUANG Ko-Chuan (1919-2010) was a versatile talent who created lots of amazing artistic achievements. It is worth to mention that he advocated modern batik painting and developed new techniques as well as expressions. Trying to combine Chinese aesthetics and western abstraction, his art therefore was full of vividness of texture and new sense of beauty. In the movement of modern painting in Taiwan, he indeed deserves us again to know more about his art world. ─ Curator LIAO Hsin-tien

    ■ Organizer | Huang Ko-Chuan’s Art Studio、SHUNG YE GALLERY
    ■ Curator | LIAO Hsin-tien (Professor of Graduate School of Art Management and Culture Policy, National Taiwan University of Arts )

    ■ Exhibition
    Dates | 2023.11.18 ~ 2024.02.18
    Venue | SHUNG YE GALLERY (Admission free)
    Adress | No. 5, Yanping S. Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei 100
    Tel | (02) 2381-8322
    Opening Hours | Tue. – Sun. 9:00-17:00 (Closed on Mondays, Chinese Lunar New Year Holidays)

    ■ Batik Workshop
    Date | 2023.12.9 Sat. 13:00~17:00 (Reservation required)
    Teacher | CHENG Mei-hui (Chinese only)

    ■ Art Talk
    Date | 2023.12.16 Sat. 14:00~16:00 (Admission or Invitation required)
    Theme | Praising the River of Art: Taiwanese Predecessor Artist HUANG Ko-Chuan
    Speaker | LIAO Hsin-tien


    黃歌川藝術世界 Website

SHUNG YE GALLERY黃歌川順益蠟染黃歌川藝術工作室


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日期:2024-09-13 ~ 2024-10-31|台灣,台北市

13 days left



日期:2023-03-02 ~ 2023-05-31|台灣,台北市