大雋藝術 Rich Art
【The Journey of Fluffies 四人聯展】The Journey of Fluffies - Group Exhibition

日期:2024-03-02 ~ 2024-04-28
在迎萬物復甦的驚蟄時節,大雋藝術於3月2日至4月28日推出《The Journey of Fluffies》四人聯展,榮幸邀請到來自美、日、韓三國的藝術家Lucia Heffernan、白田誉主也、李素乙和李奈珍呈現其最新繪畫作品,以動物為起點,深入探討與之相關的議題。Lucia Heffernan及李奈珍畫中動物與人類行為天衣無縫的巧妙串聯,創造出饒富想像力的和諧國度;白田誉主也運用超現實比例,將人造物件與動物糅合、李素乙架空世界自「萬物有靈」觀點幻化而成動物守護神「Mr. Mimyohae」,皆表達對動物生存處境的深層關切。藝術家有意識地舒緩、重塑與環境之間的緊張關係,除了喚起觀者的生態意識,從多方角度思考人類在環境中的位置,更期許通過一系列充滿靈動生機的創作,開啟我們投懷自然的憧憬天性,敬邀你我一同踏上奇幻旅程,體驗身心在溫馨包裹中度過的歡愉時光!
In the course of history, animals have played a vital role in human civilization, influencing and responding to human life in various ways deeply rooted in our culture. Art has served as a witness to this relationship. However, the once sacred and revered status of animals has evolved into "economic resources" due to industrial and technological advancements, posing unprecedented challenges.
Welcoming the revival of all things in the awakening spring, Rich Art presents the "The Journey of Fluffies", a group exhibition from the 2nd of March to 28th of April. Featuring artists Lucia Heffernan, Hakuta Yoshuya, Lee Soeul and Lee Najin from the United States, Japan, and South Korea, the exhibition explores themes surrounding animals. Heffernan and Lee Najin seamlessly blend animals and human behavior in their paintings, created imaginative and harmonious realms. Hakuta Yoshuya uses surreal scales to smoothly integrate or juxtapose animals and artifacts, while Lee Soeul believes “everything has a spirit”, describing her worldview from the perspective of the mountain spirit, “Mr. Mimyohae”. These artists express a profound concern for animal well-being, purposefully easing the tense connection between art and the environment. Through lively and dynamic artworks, the exhibition aims to awaken our intrinsic connection to nature. We invite you to embark on this enchanting journey, immersing yourself in moments of joy and warmth for both mind and body!
The Journey of Fluffies - Group Exhibition
◌ 藝術家 Artists
⋄ Lucia Heffernan
⋄ 白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya
⋄ 李素乙 Lee Soeul
⋄ 李奈珍 Lee Najin
◌ 日期 Date|2024/03/02 (六) – 2024/04/28 (日)
◌ 時間 Time|週二至週日11:00-19:00 (週一公休)
◌ 地點 Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
408台中市南屯區惠文路489號 -