


  • 展期

    日期:2024-01-11 ~ 2024-02-07

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 十年之前 A Decade Ago




    In 2024, YIRI ARTS proudly presents its first exhibition of the year, ”A Decade Ago,” commemorating a significant ten-year milestone. This exhibition features a selection of 20 artists who not only representing the developmental journey of YIRI ARTS but also shape the essence of 'YIRI'. Our curation aims to showcase the collective growth of both artists and the gallery.

    The participating artists include Chang Chun-Hao, Chang Teng-Yuan, Chen Sheng-Wen, Chen Yu-Erh, Chen Yun, Chiu Chun-Ting, Chiu Huai-Hsuan, Daniel Sueiras Fanjul, Guim Tió Zarraluk, Hou Chen-Lu, Lai Wei-Yu, Li Shih-Wen, Lin Yi-Pei, Sun Pei-Mao, Shih Yung-Chun, Tomoko Hasuwa, Wang Guan-Jhen, Wu Chia-Yun, Yuan Hsin-Yuan, and Yuichi Hirako.

    Jan 11 – Feb 07 , 2024
    Opening Jan 20 , 3-7 pm
    Tuesday – Saturday 2 – 7 pm

伊日藝術計劃YIRI ARTS十年之前


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伊日藝術計劃 YIRI ARTS


日期:2024-05-16 ~ 2024-06-15|台灣,台北市

伊日藝術計劃 YIRI ARTS


日期:2023-11-03 ~ 2023-12-02|台灣,台北市