
日期:2024-03-15 ~ 2024-06-09
江之翠劇場 X 陳煜典、阮原閩、花季琳、陳飛豪、張紋瑄 X廖海廷、黃至正、楊登麟
#Q是量子 #Q是酷兒 #Q是反作用力 #Q是無盡的提問
"Technique Queer Theory I: Q.O.O" invites seven artists to explore the boundaries and examinations of Taiwan's modern relational technologies and emotional perception structures under multiple modernities.
Technique Queer Theory draws on Hsu Yu's cosmic technology theory to reflect on the survival techniques and cosmological possibilities for those living on the margins and the different, planning to continue alternative knowledge production through curation, art, and other means. It supports the self-empowerment and creative production of the despised and queer, aiming to address the happiness of queer individuals and how it can be made possible.
The interweaving technologies of modernization and globalization in social systems, political economy, and cultural production form a perceptual norm, structuring a universal interpretation of love. However, queerness inevitably faces failure within this paradigm, necessitating a survival technique and a personal cosmos to construct a transcendent belief.
Thus, "Technique Queer Theory I: Q.O.O" is based on the discontinuity issues of emotional structures and history in Taiwan within East Asia, hoping to diffract the island's emotions and desires for love, to mend and decolonize love and self-fragmentation, and to highlight the island's diverse and complex relational patterns. Furthermore, the exhibition project aims to explore the relationship between contemporary art creation and gender theory, encouraging artists to think beyond narratives of the body or desire, to perceive the boundaries of the structure of love and desire, and the various issues behind these struggles.
#Q is for Quantum #Q is for Queer #Q is for Rebounce #Q is for Endless Inquiry
主辦單位:國立臺北藝術大學 關渡美術館
策展團隊:Nn̄g Project(張文豪、謝盛翔)
參展藝術家:江之翠劇場 X 陳煜典、阮原閩、花季琳、陳飛豪、張紋瑄 X廖海廷、黃至正、楊登麟
▋關於Nn̄g Project
「Nn̄g」是「蛋」的台語發音,指向藝術作品在策展實踐中形成的「有機生命」狀態。「Nn̄g Project」是一個2023年成立的藝術策展團隊,核心成員包含:黃銘樂、劉沁、謝盛翔、張文豪,我們關注特殊、少數、邊緣、可能受到忽視的議題,如LGBTQ、女性主義、神經多樣性、後殖民情境、亞際和亞洲、全球視野下的多重現代性等等。我們的研究領域涵蓋哲學、歷史學、資訊科學、劇場藝術、藝術史和文化研究,試圖在不同學科的對話過程中,拓開新的感知與思辨空間。
Nn̄g Project is a collective formed by individuals who navigate the periphery and unite under a feminist ethos, presenting unique artistic expressions through diffraction and incubation.
"Nn̄g" is the phonetic rendition of "卵" in Taiwanese, signifying the concept of "Egg," emblematic of the "Organic" status achieved by art within curatorial frameworks. Nn̄g Project was established in 2023, with core-member Chang Wen-Hao Danson Wong Hsieh Sheng-Hsiang Liu Chin , focusing on minority, marginalized, and possibly overlooked issues, for instance, LGBTQ, feminism, neurodiversity, postcolonial situations, inter-Asian in a global perspective. The research fields of
the department cover philosophy, history, information science, theater art, art history
and cultural studies, trying to open up new spaces of perception and speculation in
the communication process of different disciplines.
view all國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館
【從你的窗櫺開始綻放以來—安德利亞.梅達爾個展】Since the Wood of Your Window Has Been Blooming-Andreea Medar
日期:2025-03-07 ~ 2025-05-18|台灣,台北市
62 days left