

【尋找生活中的快樂軌跡 Seeking the Trajectory of Happiness in Life】藝術家創作聯展

  • 展期

    日期:2024-04-06 ~ 2024-04-28

  • 地點


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  • 參展藝術家

    帕恩・阿尼瓦特 Parn Aniwat、小池正典 Masanori Koike、丸山 純 Jun Maruya、拾壹 Shiroooo11ma、

  • 繁忙的生活讓我們在日常瑣事中忽略了生活中那些微妙的幸福,或許我們應該試著暫停一下,用心感受身邊的事物就會發現快樂原來是如此的簡單。


    The busy nature of life often leads us to overlook the subtle happiness found in everyday trivialities. Perhaps we should try pausing for a moment, and by genuinely appreciating the things around us, we'll discover that happiness is indeed so simple.

    It's akin to embarking on an adventure to 'Seeking the Trajectory of Happiness in Life'. Through the creations of four artists, we aspire to evoke in the audience a sense of innocence and carefreeness, collectively exploring the forgotten beautiful moments in life. Through this exhibition, we also aim to sprinkle a touch of soft emotion into the busy lives, awakening a profound resonance within the heart for all things beautiful.

    參展藝術家 Artist|

    帕恩・阿尼瓦特 Parn Aniwat
    小池正典 Masanori Koike
    丸山 純 Jun Maruyama
    拾壹 Shiroooo11

    展期 Date|2024.04.06 – 04.28
    開幕 Opening|2024.04.06 (六) 11 : 00
    地點 Venue|御陶坊藝廊 YTF GALLERY
    時間Hours|週一~週日 Mon.–Sun. 10:00–18:30
    地址Address|新北市鶯歌區陶瓷街9號 No 9, Taoci St. Yingge Dist., New Taipei City 239 , Taiwan



御陶坊藝廊帕恩 阿尼瓦特 Parn Aniwat尋找生活中的快樂軌跡雕塑生活


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