

【Transient Harmonies 霎時的和聲】Young Jin Choi Solo Exhibition

  • 【Transient Harmonies 霎時的和聲】-Young Jin Choi Solo Exhibition

    The exhibit is a poignant reflection of my transition year, encompassing the bittersweet farewell to Vietnam, introspective moments of self-reflection, and the eventual return to Taiwan after years of being away. It captures the essence of home moving to another home through reconnecting with familiar yet transformed surroundings, meeting new people, and immersing myself in the dynamic blend of culture and space that defines Taiwan. From quiet moments spent with a canine companion in a cozy café to whimsical selfies with equally eccentric friends, each painting celebrates the small yet significant moments that contribute to the feeling of home.

    這次展覽深刻地反映了我轉型的一年,包括苦樂參半的告別越南、反思的時刻,以及離開多年後最終回到臺灣。 它捕捉到了家搬到另一個家的本質,通過重新連接熟悉但變化的環境,結識新的人,並沉浸在臺灣文化和空間的動態融合中。 從與狗狗伴侶在舒適的咖啡館度過的安靜時刻,到與同樣古怪的朋友們的異想天開的自拍,每幅畫都在慶祝那些有助於營造家的感覺的微小而重要的時刻。

    藝術家|Young Jin Choi
    展 期|2024.04.20-05.25
    開 幕|2024.02.20 sat. 2-5pm
    地 址|高雄市新興區六合一路148號B1
    開 放|20:00-00:00(週末可預約白天時段)

    N°0|GALLERY 零號藝術
    Official Website:http://n0gallery.com/

    Facebook:Nº0|Gallery 零號藝術



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N°0|GALLERYYoung Jin Choi零號藝術高雄藝廊高雄展覽


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