
日期:2024-02-24 ~ 2024-03-17
河星美Sungmi Ha
你相信靈魂伴侶嗎?韓國藝術家河星美的創作中,靈魂伴侶不再侷限於愛情、親情、友情層面。她從自身個性出發,將難以敞開心傾訴的事物、內在的自我揭露、外在的日常觀察,寄託於略帶童趣形象的陶偶作品中,並將其視為一種自我的精神性延伸,有如一個個在生活裡關係緊密的傾訴對象、最親暱契合的 —— 心靈知己。
Soulmate: Sungmi Ha Solo Exhibition
Do you believe in soulmates? In the creations of Korean artist Sungmi Ha, soulmates are no longer confined to the realms of romantic, familial, or friendly relationships. Drawing from her own personality, she encapsulates things that are difficult to express openly, inner self-disclosure, and external daily observations in whimsical ceramic figurines. These figures, adorned with a touch of playfulness, serve as a spiritual extension of herself, akin to intimate confidants — Soulmate.
Using delicate underglaze coloring techniques, Sungmi Ha humorously portrays peculiar characters that combine elements of animals, plants, natural phenomena, and human forms. Through various body language and facial expressions, she imparts diverse attributes and personalities, creating a series of "Soulmate" who seem capable of fully understanding and promptly responding to emotions, fostering a comfortable companionship. She anticipates accompanying viewers through different stages of mental and emotional growth, allowing them to discover profound resonance and experience the completeness of healing and life.
Sungmi Ha
Sungmi Ha was born in 1983 and graduated from the Department of Crafts at Konkuk University and the Ceramic Arts Research Institute at Hongik University in South Korea. Specializing in expressing herself through ceramic art, her works are often vibrant and whimsical, radiating warmth and sincerity. She has had residencies in Japan, Finland, Taiwan, and the European Ceramic Work Centre in the Netherlands. In 2007, she was awarded the Special Judges Prize at the Hagi International Ceramic Competition in Japan. -