

【戀戀夏日 Love in the summer】星野友幸 山口真人 雙個展

  • 夏日的微風輕拂,帶走了空氣中的沉悶,陽光透過樹葉灑下一片片斑駁的光影,喚起我們對夏季獨特魅力的無限遐想。戀戀夏日,宛如一首詩,訴說著光影、熱情與美好回憶的交織。





    The gentle summer breeze sweeps away the heaviness in the air. Sunlight filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows that evoke our boundless imagination of summer's unique charm. Summer Love, like a poem, narrates the intertwining of light, passion, and beautiful memories.

    "Each season is a unique narrative, depicting its own emotional codes." Summer, as the most fervent season of the year, carries countless memories and emotions. Pause in the midst of busyness to appreciate the beauty and tranquility of summer, and let us rediscover the poetry in life.

    This exhibition, "Summer Love," presents the diverse aspects and meanings of summer through the perspectives of the artists.

    Makoto Yamaguchi's creations resemble the dense jungles of summer or the serenity under shady trees, making one feel immersed in a lush natural environment, experiencing the vitality and tranquility of summer. Each piece exudes a pure and intense summer atmosphere.

    Tomoyuki Hoshino, with his unique techniques, vividly captures the warmth and beautiful memories of summer. His works, like the gentle breeze of a summer afternoon, touch the softest corners of the heart. Through his delicate and heartfelt expressions, viewers can genuinely feel the warmth and intimacy unique to summer.

    參展藝術家 Artist|

    星野友幸 Tomoyuki Hoshino
    山口真人 Makoto Yamaguchi

    展期 Date|2024.08.10 – 09.01
    開幕 Opening|2024.08.10 (六) 11 : 00
    地點 Venue|御陶坊藝廊 YTF GALLERY
    時間Hours|週一~週日 Mon.–Sun. 10:00–18:30
    地址Address|新北市鶯歌區陶瓷街9號 No 9, Taoci St. Yingge Dist., New Taipei City 239 , Taiwan





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