

【容器 The Vessel】Diana Motta個展

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    日期:2024-08-24 ~ 2024-09-14

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  • 參展藝術家

    Diana Motta

  • 以容器盛裝,也在其中滋養,
    藝術家Diana Motta結合自身對於靈性以及占星的研究,在抽象與冥想繪畫中藉由透明和半透明的用色暗示身體與精神世界薄紗般一線之隔的關係,將身體與藝術作品視為容器,連結無形的精神宇宙。

    如同解讀星盤時覺知細節、建構出整體敘事,並最終回歸、連結至個體的生命意義,Diana Motta的藝術創作受到自身長期投身靈性實踐與占星的浸染,也同樣重視全心交付感受與直覺流動的過程。以身心及藝術作為渠道聆聽來自宇宙的啟示,Diana Motta的藝術以直覺性的構圖與通透多彩的用色,如容器般乘載無形抽象的感知,也透過繪畫的行為,拓印精神遊走的星軌,提供一窺靈性奧秘的窗口。


    ⬧藝術家介紹 Artist
    Diana Motta於1985年出生於巴西聖保羅,2007年獲得聖保羅高等廣告與行銷學院的學士學位,2010年獲得紐約大學互動電通碩士學位,最近獲得芝加哥藝術學院的藝術碩士學位。

    Diana Motta的創作通過占星術和卡巴拉學派的視角來表達她的精神旅程。她最初是一位具象畫家,後來在探索身體與靈魂之間的關係時轉向了抽象藝術。透過作品中透明和半透明的用色暗示身體與精神世界薄紗般一線之隔的關係,Diana Motta以對於材料和技法的玩味並探索精神性與感官性之間的對比—在她的藝術中,身體因而成為通向靈性的載體。

    她的藝術靈感來自創作深植於巴西的現代主義藝術家塔西拉·杜·阿馬拉爾(Tarsila do Amaral)和瑪麗亞·馬丁斯(Maria Martins),並深受自身於巴西的成長背景影響,進行對於信仰和靈性的探索。

    Born in 1985 in São Paulo, Brazil, Diana Motta earned her BA from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (the Higher School of Advertising and Marketing) in 2007, a Master’s degree in Interactive Telecommunications from New York University in 2010, and has just earned her Master of Fine Arts at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

    Diana Motta’s practice references her spiritual journey through the lens of astrology and the Kabbalah school of thought. Originally a figurative painter, Motta shifted her practice towards abstraction as she began questioning the relationship between body and spirit. Transparency and translucency of color in her work reference the thin veil between our physical bodies and the spiritual world. She finds that playing with material and technique creates a juxtaposition between spirituality and sensuality. The body is thus a vehicle to the spiritual. Inspired by Brazilian modernists Tarsila do Amaral and Maria Martins, Motta’s practice finds strong roots in her Brazilian upbringing, where exploration of faith and spirituality is encouraged.

    《容器 The Vessel》Diana Motta 個展
    展覽期間|2024.8.24 11:00 - 2024.9.14 14:00
    展覽空間|121 ART SPACE
    Official Line|@121artspace


    121 ART SPACE Official Instagram

121 ART SPACEDiana Motta當代藝術


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