【生活之內,人間之外 Within Life and Beyond the Mundane】廖文豪 個展
日期:2024-08-27 ~ 2024-09-14
【 生活之內,人間之外 Within Life and Beyond the Mundane 】
我們都先學會追求擁有,再學習減少擁有。 生活是人生的真實面貌,透過誠實的反映所感受到的現實,是生活的真實體驗,也是創作的 靈感來源。其中包含了日常的喜怒哀樂、瑣碎小事,以及平凡與不平凡的瞬間。在創作中描 繪平淡日子中的微小事件和情感變化,以及捕捉和探索那些顛覆常規的、令人難忘的時刻, 這些時候往往是生活中的轉折點和啟示,同時也是對人間、對世界的回應。
生活和人間,生活如果同時作為名詞和動詞的話,是人間在生活中?還是生活在人間中?生 活,可以很簡單,也可以很複雜。說得如此冠冕堂皇好像也是說給自己聽的療癒自語,不過 好好活著本就是一件不易的事。 此次「生活之內,人間之外」個展,蘊含了現實生活與內心世界的深刻思考,有時候描述一 些日常的瑣事去對應內心深處的某一個點,當這個點對到了,或許可以是生活中的趣味幽 默,也或許能成為創作的引信,而在這個當下,無論如何都是自己與外界最真的連結。
( 文 / 廖文豪 )
We first learn to pursue possession and then learn to reduce possession. Life is the true face of human existence. Through honest reflection on reality, we experience life's true essence, which serves as inspiration for creation. It encompasses daily emotions, trivialities, and moments of both ordinariness and extraordinariness. Depicting minor events and emotional changes in daily life in our creations, as well as capturing and exploring those memorable moments that defy convention, often marks turning points and revelations in life, as well as responses to humanity and the world.
Life and humanity, if life were both a noun and a verb, does humanity live in life or does life live in humanity? Life can be simple or complex. Speaking so grandiosely seems like a self-healing soliloquy, but living well is never easy. The "Within Life and Beyond the Mundane" solo exhibition embodies profound reflections on real life and the inner world. Sometimes describing trivialities to correspond with a point deep within the soul, when this point is touched, it may bring humor to life or inspire creativity. In these moments, regardless, it's the most genuine connection between oneself and the outside world.
(Article / LIAO Wen-Hao)
【 生活之內,人間之外 Within Life and Beyond the Mundane 】廖文豪 個展
▋展期|2024/08/27 (Tue.) – 2024/09/14 (Sat.)
▋開幕茶會|2024 / 08 / 31 3PM
FB: https://www.facebook.com/piaopiao.art
IG: https://instagram.com/piaopiaogallery
LINE: https://lin.ee/zQJKPNPd -
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15 days left