
臺灣當代文化實驗場 C-LAB

【心旅–賈儒怡創作個展】Ju-Yi Chia: Spiritual Voyager

  • AI大時代:探索控制與失控之《心旅》9/28開幕

    2024年9月於臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB,將帶領觀眾一窺Juyi Chia賈儒怡藝術世界之堂奧《心旅:一場控制中的失控》。後疫情隨即迎來AI大時代,「失控」深深烙印人們心中,我們試圖回歸「控制」卻又不再一樣了。《心旅》恰恰回應了這樣的時代空氣,儒怡透過創作歷程中的每一刻,體現行動繪畫(Action Painting)中專注於當下時刻的「發生」,等待、尋找這樣的一個「發生」。她的作品看似描繪物像,實則是在不斷的行動中等待著「神奇時刻」(the magic moment),傾聽顏料、畫布、物象、行動與內在之間的對話,引領著創作者前進,他們在說話。

    此次個展是儒怡心旅的里程碑,在展出近期新作的同時,特別選取三幅早期作品與之呼應。隨著新作的開展,儒怡意外地與過去的自我產生連結,儘管創作主題不同,新作卻自然延續了早期作品的精神脈絡。儒怡近期的創作受到榮格分析心理學的影響,以及對自然場域的關注;她的創作過程不僅客觀分析自我, 亦主觀表現自我,具象與抽象、混沌與慾望、野放與沉靜間,不斷來回碰撞、對話,拆毀與重建後,逐漸構築其獨樹一格的「天地人我觀」創作宇宙。

    透過如此赤裸的自我揭露與觀眾產生聯繫,將會引發什麼樣的對話呢?歡迎大家於 9月28日下午3點親臨現場,當代藝術家賈儒怡將在現場分享她的心旅,邀請每一位觀眾來參與這場對話,從藝術中照見自我內在的神奇時刻。

    █ 藝術家介紹

    賈儒怡出身台灣,優遊於天地人我間的「心旅系藝術家」。擁有紐約羅徹斯特理工學院 (Rochester Institute of Technology) 藝術創作碩士、美國喬治亞大學 (University of Georgia) 藝術教育博士雙學位的儒怡,本著對人精神領域的關懷,逐漸傾心藝術治療領域,後於加拿大國際藝術治療學院 (Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy) 進修臨床藝術治療學士後課程。曾獲英國倫敦《Image Curators Advisory》當月藝術家、甫獲《2024藝術未來X台灣當代一年展》Art FutureXTaiwan Annual選為參展藝術家的她,曾於湖北、廈門、台灣等多處任教,投注學術領域多年後,對藝術創作的熱情與日俱增,毅然決然全心投入個人創作。

    儒怡的創作深受榮格分析心理學影響,顯現出強烈的抽象表現主義色彩。她的創作過程不僅客觀分析自我,亦主觀表現自我。具象與抽象、混沌與慾望、野放與沉靜間,不斷來回碰撞、對話,拆毀與重建後,逐漸構築其獨樹一格的「天地人我觀」創作宇宙。她以奔放/自由的線條造型與充滿中世紀神祕氣息的泛霧色塊,呈現人內在小我與自然大我的精神對話,建構其深具魅力的色彩語彙。儒怡的作品曾獲紐約羅徹斯特理工學院選入《Wallace Library Purchase Prize Collection》永久典藏,其創作主題經常圍繞大自然與自我的關係,帶領觀者悠遊於他方精神世界,不知不覺引人入勝,從而投射、反思與默想,找到屬於自己人生的答案。


    展覽日期: 2024年9月28日至10月6日 13:00-18:00 免費參觀
    開幕活動: 2024年9月28日 15:00 藝術家分享
    展覽地點: 臺灣當代文化實驗場 C-LAB 服務中心2樓

    Ju-Yi Chia: Spiritual Voyager

    "Spiritual Voyager: Exploring Control and Loss of Control in the AI Era"
    Opens September 28, 2024, at C-LAB, Taipei

    In "Spiritual Voyager: A Loss of Control in the AI Era," Ju-Yi Chia invites viewers to immerse themselves in her artistic universe at C-LAB, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab. Against the backdrop of the post-pandemic world and the rise of artificial intelligence, this exhibition reflects on the tension between control and loss of control—a duality deeply ingrained in contemporary consciousness.

    Through her creative process, Ju-Yi explores ‘happening,’ a key element of action painting, where the present moment becomes a canvas for discovery. Her works, while appearing to depict physical forms, revolve around the anticipation of “magic moments”—fleeting instances where paint, canvas, and action merge with the inner self to create something extraordinary. These moments arise from a dialogue between the tangible and the intangible: paint speaks, the canvas responds, and the artist listens, creating a dynamic interplay that shapes her artistic journey.

    A Milestone in Ju-Yi’s Journey

    This solo exhibition represents a pivotal moment in Ju-Yi Chia’s artistic journey, showcasing her latest creations alongside three early works that resonate with the core themes of her practice. These earlier pieces reflect the spiritual roots of her artistic evolution, forming a bridge between her past explorations and her present vision.

    Ju-Yi’s recent creations draw inspiration from Jungian analytical psychology and her deep connection with the patterns, rhythms, and energies of natural landscapes. Her process delicately balances objective self-analysis and subjective self-expression, navigating a rich interplay of abstraction and figuration, chaos and longing, wildness and serenity. Through cycles of deconstruction and reconstruction, she develops a cosmos rooted in Eastern philosophies, reflecting her perspective on the interconnectedness of heaven, earth, humanity, and self.

    An Invitation to Connection

    What conversations might unfold when the artist reveals her inner journey with such unguarded openness? At the heart of this exhibition lies the desire to connect. Ju-Yi Chia warmly invites you to join her at 3 PM on September 28 for an artist talk, sharing insights into her work and fostering a dialogue through her art.

    █ Artist Bio

    Ju Yi, a luminary in the Taiwanese artistry, embodies the essence of a "spiritual voyager," exploring self-discovery, nature, and societal reflection through her artistic expressions. With a Master’s degree in Fine Arts Studio from Rochester Institute of Technology and a doctorate degree in "Art Education" from the University of Georgia, Ju Yi’s artistic journey is fueled by a deep reverence for the human soul. Guided by this ethos, she ventured into "Art Therapy," refining her artistic content through postgraduate studies at the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy.

    Recognized as the Artist of the Month by London’s "Image Curators Advisory" and selected as a featured artist for the prestigious "2024 Art Future X Taiwan Annual Art Fair," Ju-Yi has not only shared her insights through teaching in colleges in Hubei, Xiamen, and Taiwan but has also dedicated herself to scholarly pursuits. Yet, her passion for creative expression has only increased over time, leading her towards a steadfast commitment to her personal artistic pursuits.

    Ju Yi’s art , profoundly influenced by Jungian psychology, reflects the essence of abstract expressionism. Her creative process involves a delicate dance between objective self-analysis and subjective self-expression. Ju-Yi often engages in a dialogue between the abstract and the figurative, chaos and longing, wildness and serenity. Through deconstruction and reconstruction, she gradually develops her unique perspective on the relationships between heaven, earth, humanity, and self, reflecting Eastern philosophy. Using free-flowing lines and color palettes reminiscent of medieval mysticism, she presents a spiritual dialogue between the inner self and nature crafting a captivating visual language. Her work has been honored with selection for inclusion in the "Wallace Library Purchase Prize Collection" at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York.

    Art, akin to a slender vessel, continues to carry Ju Yi’s soul as she navigates the unknown. Collaborating with composer Hsin-Lei Chen in 2021 for the "Six Flavors - Sweet" synesthetic art performance, she transformed the auditory impressions depicted by romantic music masters Tchaikovsky and Borodin into visual soundscapes, creating a multisensory artistic experience that expands her creative horizons. Ju Yi believes that true novelty lies in embracing the ever-changing seasons and the passage of time, maintaining a childlike sense of wonder in her creations, infusing her recent works with the visions and aspirations of years gone by.

    In Ju Yi’s solo debut exhibition for the autumn of 2024, she promises to unveil a profound artistic experience — an inspiring journey with the spiritual voyager, Ju Yi.

    Exhibition Dates
    September 28 – October 6, 2024
    1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    Free Admission

    Opening Event
    Saturday, September 28, 2024
    3:00 PM – Artist Talk with Ju-Yi Chia

    C-LAB, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab
    i-Center, 2F


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【「記憶圖像」】 張麗華繪畫創作個展

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