【Vanishing Point 消失點】Luke M Walker 個展
日期:2024-10-12 ~ 2024-11-03
Luke M Walker
Vanishing Point |Luke M Walker
展覽期間:10,12 - 11,3 2024
開幕茶會:10,12 3pm - 5pm
貴賓預展:10,10 3pm - 5pm
Luke M Walker 的作品通常從一段步行開始。在他首次與 ZASSO 合作的個展《消失點》中,這些步行帶他穿越不同的城市,在世界各地,從街道間到許多的制高點。從他的家鄉倫敦,到鄰近的巴黎,舊金山,與台北。他運用透視繪畫的專業知識與炭筆這個媒材,創作出一系列的全景畫,試圖反映每座城市的道路、河流與鐵道之間的交織以及其街廓與街道的獨特性格。他將這些概念延伸至一系列的單刷版畫中,這些作品捕捉了城市的特質,卻不拘泥於細節的描繪。同時,部分作品也結合了特定的數據圖表,這些「數據景觀」記錄了他在城市中的移動過程。我們被邀請與他一同探索這些城市,沿著他所引導的路徑前進,並且超越地平線,展望未知的遠方。
Luke M Walker’s work usually begins with a walk. For his first solo show with ZASSO, Vanishing Point, these walks took him across cities and also up from the streets to as many high viewpoints in several cities around the world. From his home city of London, its near neighbour Paris, to San Francisco and Taipei. Using his knowledge of perspectival drawing together with the medium of charcoal he has created a series of panoramas that try to reflect the character of each place; the interplay of roads, rivers and railways and the particular characteristics of each city block or street. He has expanded the ideas further in a series of monotypes which encapsulate the qualities of each city without the granular detail of the charcoal works and also at times combine this with specific walks he has made; his ‘Datascapes’ that chart his progress through the city. We are encouraged to explore the cities with him, following the paths he leads us down and to look beyond the horizons to what lies beyond them.
Luke M Walker 於 1969 年出生於英國,現居倫敦。他擁有建築專業背景,曾在倫敦的切爾西藝術設計學院( Chelsea College of Art and Design) 教授室內和空間設計,並於 2012 年到 2014 年完成了倫敦城市行業藝術學院(City and Guilds of London Art School)的美術碩士學位,目前也是該校的美術客座講師。Walker 在英國與德國有多次的展覽經驗,並曾與藝術家張婉琳在 ZASSO 共同舉辦過兩次聯展。他在 2015 年榮獲標誌性風格藝術獎(Signature Art Prize)中的繪畫類獎項,並於 2018 年參加了英國皇家藝術研究院(Royal Academy of Arts)舉行的夏季展覽。他也是 荒野藝術團體(Wilderness Art Collective)的聯合創辦人,這是一個由藝術家所組成的團體,作品多著重於探討自然環境。除此之外,他還是一名登山愛好者,同時是英國皇家地理學會(Royal Geographical Social)的會員,曾在該學會展出作品,舉辦講座與演講。
|About the Artist|
Luke M Walker was born in 1969 in the UK and lives and works in London. Architecturally trained and working professionally and teaching Interior and Spatial Design at Chelsea College of Art and Design, London. He completed a Master of Fine Art at City and Guilds of London Art School in 2012-14, where he also now a Visiting Tutor of Fine Art.
Walker has exhibited extensively around the UK, Germany and has had two joint shows with Zasso with Wan Lin Chang. He was winner of the Signature Art Prize for Painting in 2015 and Exhibited in the Royal Academy of Arts Summer show in 2018. He is also Co-Founder of the Wilderness Art Collective, a group of artists whose work explores the natural environment. He is also a keen climber and mountaineer and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in London where he has also exhibited and given talks and presentations. -
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日期:2024-11-18 ~ 2024-12-31|台灣,高雄市