

【一眼永恆 Glimpse of Eternity】Delta N.A. 個展

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    日期:2024-10-15 ~ 2024-11-04

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    Delta N.A.

  • ☆我們是追尋詩意的光輝靈魂,堅信亙古的愛,亦深信夢的力量。

    We are luminous souls in search of poetry, we believe in eternal love, we believe in the
    power of dreams and we fly with our gaze beyond life itself catching a glimpse of eternity.☆

    來自義大利的藝術家組合Delta N.A.透過不事先描繪草圖,完全依循直覺指引並雙人同時作畫的創作手法,紀錄剎那的靈感乍現,也在落筆後悟得宇宙中恆久的守候。作品中的形象彼此交疊相容構成整體圖像,如同思緒閃現、流轉而變化,也似眾生交織、起落明滅間,一眼望穿的共同命運。


    Delta N.A. is an artist duo comprised of two contemporary artists, Neva and Alessandro, from the Italian city of Asti. The name "Delta," derived from the Greek alphabet, symbolizes the strength of destiny that unites them, while "N.A." stands for their initials.
    Delta N.A.是一個來自義大利阿斯蒂的藝術家組合,由兩位當代藝術家:Neva及Alessandro組成。名字中的"Delta"來自於希臘字母,象徵著團結兩人的力量與命運,而"N.A."則分別代表他們名字的字首。

    Delta N.A. draws their creativity directly from color, embracing spontaneity without any prior planning or pencil sketches on paper or canvas. They choose to paint interactively and simultaneously, free from rules, allowing their instincts to guide them. Over time, shapes begin to emerge from the colors, and through this intuitive process, they enter a creative flow where rationality holds no sway. In this space, they discover a world built around metaphors, where animals, human figures, and symbols take on multiple facets.
    Delta N.A.的創作靈感源自色彩,並採用自發而真摯的手法,完全不做事前計劃,也不以鉛筆描繪草圖。他們選擇以互動且同步的方式創作,擺脫規則的束縛,隨心所欲地追隨直覺的引導。隨著創作的進行,形狀從色彩中逐漸浮現,而在這個直覺驅動的過程中,他們進入了一種理性不再主導的創作心流。在這個空間裡,他們發現了一個以隱喻構築的世界,動物、人物與符號在其中都承載著多重意涵。

    Often, Delta N.A. realizes only a partial meaning of a painting until the final strokes bring insight, revealing the true nature of the artwork. Their works embody a meeting of the conscious and unconscious, the positive and negative, where emotions, feelings, and abstract concepts coexist, resulting in multiple interpretations of even the simplest figures. For instance, a snake may appear as a threatening creature, yet it could also symbolize fears of the future, obstacles along one's path, temptations to explore unexpected roads, or the desire to escape.
    Delta N.A.常常在最後落筆後,才逐漸理解畫作的完整意義,從而揭示出他們藝術創作的本質。他們的作品展現了意識與潛意識的交融、正面與負面情感的交匯,以及情緒、感受與抽象概念的共生,讓最簡單的形體也能承載多重詮釋。以蛇為例,它乍看之下或許是一個具威脅性的動物,但同時也可能象徵對未來的恐懼、人生旅途中的阻礙、探索意外之路的誘惑,或是對逃避現實的渴望。

    The vision guiding their creative flow influences the interpretations of each artwork, and Delta N.A. acknowledges that these pieces can be viewed in various ways depending on one’s perspective. They believe that art opens the door to a broader understanding of existence, suggesting that the deeper one immerses in it, the more one finds balance and harmony within their inner life.
    這種引導創作流動的視角影響了每件作品的詮釋,而Delta N.A.也意識到這些作品能隨著不同的視角產生多樣的理解。他們相信,藝術能夠開啟對存在的更深層次理解,越是深入沉浸其中,越能在內在生命中找到和諧與平衡。

    The greatest gift that art has bestowed upon Delta N.A. is freedom. They have searched tirelessly until painting led them into a realm devoid of rules, where instinct navigates them along an undiscovered path.
    藝術賦予Delta N.A.最大的贈禮便是自由。他們不懈地尋找,直到繪畫將他們引領至一個無規則的境地,在這裡,直覺成為他們的指引,帶領他們踏上未曾發現的道路。

    《Glimpse of Eternity 一眼永恆》Delta N.A. 個展
    展覽期間|2024.10.15 11:00 - 2024.11.04 14:00
    展覽空間|121 ART SPACE
    Official Line|@121artspace


    121 ART SPACE Official Instagram

121 ART SPACEDelta N.A.當代藝術


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