


  • 當吳冠中(1919-2010)生前談起「筆墨當隨時代」時,有多少人曾嚴肅正視過這話背後,所含蘊著整體環境變化的真確性呢?水墨的書寫,已經從過去純筆法性的表現,來到了有別於傳統水墨藝術的書寫格式。在傳統水墨既定章程,不再綑綁當代創作者的情態下,水墨,似乎不再是畫給遠去的鬼魂看,而是畫給現在的人看的。如此說法並不全然抹煞了所有水墨藝術既有的形意,但卻更可以從筆墨隨著時代遞進、創作者面對生活性素材的選擇時,如何權衡筆墨箇中要求的同時,不再像過去一昧拘泥於既有技術本位上。因此,當所謂筆意能夠傳達了心意、眼意,作品自然就出現圓融的現世觀,藝術與觀者之間就可以更容易產生共振關係。
    —— 鄭乃銘《人間墨心—試讀新世代水墨藝術的心理風景》節錄
    When Wu Guan-Zhong (1919-2010) spoke of "brush and ink following the times," how many people truly considered the depth of this statement and the authenticity of its reflection on the changing overall environment? Ink painting has shifted from its past emphasis on pure brush techniques to a format distinct from traditional ink art. Without the constraints of traditional conventions, ink painting now seems to be created not for distant ghosts, but for contemporary viewers. This view does not entirely negate the existing forms and meanings of ink art, but it emphasizes how brush and ink have evolved with the times. It also highlights how artists, when choosing materials from real life, must balance the demands of brushwork and ink in new ways, moving beyond rigid technical traditions. As a result, when the brushwork can genuinely convey the artist’s intention and vision, the work naturally reflects a harmonious contemporary perspective, making it easier for art and viewers to resonate with each other.
    —— Excerpt from Cheng Nai-Ming's "INK HEART of HUMANITY: Exploring the Psychological Landscape of New Generation Ink Art"

    ▍參展藝術家 Artists
    ⠀葉仁焜 | 林依文 | 陳芷若 | 楊寓寧 | 吳承翰 |
    ⠀胡在晴 | 黃昱昊 | 邵士銘 | 葉懿嫺
    ▍展期 Dates |2024.09.07 - 2024.10.12
    ▍地點 Venue| 月臨畫廊 ???? ???????
    ⠀一、二館: 台中市西區英才路589巷6號&12號





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【心韻 】林錦濤水墨畫展

日期:2024-11-01 ~ 2024-11-13|台灣,台北市

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